Chapter 3

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Danny's POV
Mrs Jackson's cookies were just as good as my mom's cookies. Maybe even better. But the thing about these cookies were they're blue. The blue food coloring would rub off and turn the milk blue too. I shouldn't be complaining. At least these cookies won't try to bite back.

"What do you think about the cookies, Danny?" Mrs Jackson asked with a smile and seemed less horrified of me than before. "I love them. They're really delicious and I think the blue was a unique touch." I replied. She giggled "Oh the blue is Percy's favorite. He eats almost anything blue."

I glanced at Percy with a smirk. He blushed "Well it is true." He pouted. I laughed "So does he literally just pick out the blue M&Ns and throw the rest out?" Percy protested, "Don't be crazy! I don't do that. I give the other colors of M&Ns to my friends." I shook my head and thought to myself "This boy is unbelievable."

We decided to head out of the apartment. Percy's mom was on her way to her class... I don't remember what class. Percy told me more about his life. Like how he would always go a summer camp every summer. I asked him if he would be going this summer and he said yes. He would be leaving two days from now. He told me that his mom and him insisted that I stayed at their home for as long as I want but I really can't do that even if they are good people.

We went to a park. It was a nice little park in a city. There weren't as many people as I thought there would be. Trees surrounding the park, a little pond with some benches besides it, a not so small kids' playground. If I were a kid I would run to the swig. And some workout bars not located far from the playground.

We took a seat next to the pond and looked at the hustle and bustle of the place. Percy started to ask me some questions to get to know me better. He asked what my parents did for a living. I hesitated to answer but I told him they were ghost hunters. Percy's eyes widen "Ghost hunters?" He gasped "No way... That's so cool!" He exclaimed. I chuckled as I felt relief. I told him I have an older sister too. Percy told me he had a younger brother. I asked where he was cause I obviously didn't see him. Percy seem to hesitate and he told me he went to camp first. Made sense... Sorta.

He asked what I was doing in New York. I was just about to answer but then I stopped myself. What was I gonna tell him? 'I came here because the time master told me there was some weird energy in this area saw I came here to investigate in my ghost form.' Pfft there's no way I'm gonna tell him that. I need a lie and quick.

Percy is starting to get a little suspicious because of the amount of time I took to answer him. I told him I was here for some school work. Percy didn't seem convinced but he accepted the answer anyway.

We were hitting it off to a good start. Percy told me his mom really liked me even though she kinda broke down in tears by the sight of me. I asked Percy if I could follow him to camp because I'm kinda curious about that camp of his.

"I really want you to come to but the thing is... My camp is kinda strict and they don't allow just anyone to be in the camp." Percy rubbed the back of his neck as he avoided eye contact. I  arched my eyebrows. That is kinda weird. What  can people do to get into that camp then? I sighed and said it was alright.

After that we went back to Percy's home. I checked the time and it was already 7:48 pm. Man, did time fly pass like a rocket. I took out my book on stars and rocket ships and started reading it. I sat comfortably on the couch as I read my book next to Percy who was watching some TV. "There's never anything good on..." Percy groaned. I peeked from the book to see what Percy was watching. It was currently on a show about sea creatures on the Discovery Channel. I went back to my book as I listened to the TV as I read.

"These whales are magnificent creatures. Look at how they move through the water." The narrator said and it cut to a scene where the whales were swimming. Then I heard the whale... Spoke. It literally just talked and it said something really offensive to the other whale. I couldn't help but giggle. Percy also giggled then we both made eye contact. I wonder if he too heard the whale talk. Or it may just be someone dubbing over the whales.

We smiled awkwardly at each other and went back to what we were doing a moment ago. I still find it weird about what has just happened. I have never heard whales talk before. Actually I have never heard any sea creatures talk before this.

Percy's mom finally came back home with Paul by her side. "Hey boys. Had fun today?" Sally smiled as she set some groceries on the countertop. Percy turned to his mom and said "Yes mom. We got to know each other more and more today."

"That's great honey." Sally replied as she went up and down the kitchen keeping the groceries. Paul went up to me and looked at my book. "What book do you have there?" He smiled. "Oh its just a book about space and stuff." I replied. "May I have a look at it?" Paul asked. I said sure and handed the book over to him. I explained how I wanted to be an astronaut one day. Paul complimented my dream and Percy besides me also encouraged me.

Everyone was now asleep. I couldn't fall asleep at the moment. I crave for some air. I got up quietly but quickly. I looked at Percy to make sure he was asleep. He was drooling in his sleep so I assume he's in a deep sleep. I hope he doesn't drown in his sleep.

I creeped to the bathroom and transformed into Phantom. I turned myself intangible and flew out of the bathroom. I took off for the air. The wind was running through my snow white hair. It felt great. I floated above the city of New York and the city was bright and shining. I rarely get this view in Amity Park. I decided to explore this city.

I flew pass a tall building. I looked at my reflection as I flew pass it. My ecto green eyes glowed brightly. I chuckled as I enjoyed my night.

I found a nice little area where the lights were not as bright. It was quiet and peaceful. I laid on the grassy hill. I gazed at the stars and sighed. How I wish I could go up there. I then heard some rustling. I got up and kept my guard up. I scanned the area and was waiting for something to jump at me. There was nothing fortunately.

I felt my eyes get heavy. I looked back at my surroundings again before I flew off. I went back to the apartment and went to bed. Percy was still drooling away. I chuckled softly and closed my eyes.

Lost Son Of The Sea God (A Danny Phantom And Percy Jackson Story)Where stories live. Discover now