Chapter 13

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Danny's POV
I've dealt with skeletons before but that was when I was fighting them. These skeletons were carrying to Hades' throne room. I have no idea why we're going there but I have a feeling it won't be pleasing.

Right before we reached the door to the throne room, I asked them to put us down. Percy and I walked over to the door. We looked at the size of it. I don't understand why palaces and castles have huge doors. Aren't they heavy and make a lot of noise?

Percy looked at me, face as serious as a rock's if they had faces. I noticed he has his hand in his pocket, getting hold of his sword just in case something happens. We nodded in sync. Percy pushed the door and walked, are should I say strutted in. I too flew in the throne room.

Percy was holding his temples as he sighed. "Danny, the door was literally in front of you. Why did you fly through the wall?" I didn't even realized I passed through the wall again. How did that happen.

"Anyway," Percy turned to face Hades who was looking rather amused by our little scene just now. "Hades, do you know anything we don't know?"

"You have to make it a little bit more specific." Hades rest his chin in his hand.

"What he meant was, do you anything about a recent prophecy? It mentioned here and then the 'temple of the great'." I inched in closer to him. Kind of hesitant to do so honestly.

"Oh wow, 'temple of the great'. I wonder who can that be." He said sarcastically. "You didn't answer our question." Percy said.

"I don't know much but all I have to say is look for clues along the way. Especially when you're on your way to that temple. And also you need to hurry up to find what ever or whether who ever it is you're trying to find. I sense that it only has about 3 days to live."

"That's all?" I scoffed. Hades shrugged. "We came all this way, just to hear you say that."

"Oh right, clues! Why didn't we think of that?" Percy exclaimed sarcastically.

"What else did you want me to say?" Hades shrugged. "Oh I don't know, maybe like a possible sign m. You know what, forget it." I waved my hand. "I think we better head for that temple. It's been nice father."

"Before you go, take these with you." Hades handed us marble like things. "An easier way out of the underworld."

Percy looked at it and I swore he just had the shivers. He looked at me then at the marble. "I guess this is farewell to the underworld. Let's go, Danny." And I'm pretty sure I heard him whisper, "I can't wait to get out of this hell hole."

"I do have one clue though." Hades said before we used the marbles. "Sakura."

Percy and I looked at each other, confused out of our minds. "What?" We both say at the same time.

"You heard me. Now run along." He waved at as before disappearing.

"Well isn't that useful." I said. Percy scoffed, "If you think that's useful wait till we get to the next venue."

"Ooh~ I can't wait."

"You know what I can't wait for? Food. Let's get out of here and get some real food." Percy said. I couldn't agree with him more.

We managed to find a quiet place in the middle of all of this. A small diner called "Harps Tune". It was fairly clean and comfortable. We ordered what we wanted and waited. While we waited we begin to realize some things.

"If we're going to Zeus' temple, does that mean we have to go to Greece." I asked. I noticed how Percy's eyes began to widen. "I didn't think about that. Oh my gods."

Percy's drink came first and I honestly can't say I'm surprised. It was a smoothie in the color blue. "Must you have blue in every edible thing ever?"

Percy scoffed and placed his hand gently on his heart. "I am offended that you would ask this kind of question."

I laughed at him and I'm glad to see him laugh too. "What did you think about when Hades mentioned the Sakura thing." I asked.

Percy sipped on his smoothie. "The only thing I know about the sakura is that they're in Japan and they're pink."

I groaned, "Do you think we have to go ti Japan?" Percy shrugged. I hope not, I don't even have a passport to travel to places like these.

Just as our food came, we felt an unsettling presence. A laugh same from the kitchen and there in front of us appeared an all to familiar face. The lunch lady ghost. Why is she here? I don't know. Did someone start beef with her or something?

"Friend of yours?" Percy asked. I rolled my eyes and transformed. "Let's get this over with so we can eat."


I flew to the lunch lady's level and met here eye to eye. "Why are you here?" I asked her, "Did they accidentally used anything other than a pan to fry these bacon?"

She growled at me and lunged at my direction. I dodged and Percy cut through her foot. Unfortunately it attached back to her leg.

"That wasn't much help was it." He looked at Riptide. The lunch lady ghost punched Percy which sent him flying through the kitchen door and into all the pots and pans.

I was just about to grab the Fenton thermos but she took me by my foot and threw me onto the counter.

"Danny, kick her here!" Percy yelled. I did as he said and sent her flying to his direction. She hit the wall and Percy hit her with a frying pan before she could get up.

I took this opportunity to get the thermos and sent her back to the ghost zone. "What do you know, we made less of a mess this time." I transformed back to Fenton.

Percy looked at our food with a big grin on his face. "And our food still looks good. Also this frying pan is handier than I expected. I should bring this along with me."

"Good idea, we can use it to cook some eggs while we're in the woods." I chuckled. "Did you not see my skills with this thing?" He held his pan as if he were holding a sword.

"Alright bro, eat up before it gets as cold as your smoothie." I laughed at his goofiness.

Lost Son Of The Sea God (A Danny Phantom And Percy Jackson Story)Where stories live. Discover now