Chapter 12

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Percy's POV
I wasn't expecting this to be honest. A huge room all to himself? Wow. I'm a bit jealous. But it's also a bit unsettling that you can hear screams of the tortured souls from time to time. It made the hairs on my back stand.

"I believe you guys have mentioned my brother before back at camp." Danny sat on the couch, he ate the ham sandwich that a servant had brought to us.

I nodded, "Yeah, he's name is Nico di Angelo."

"How's he like?"

I shrugged and took a bite out of the sandwich. Where did Hades even get the food? "He's the loner type and he doesn't like to be with people that much. He and I are kinda not in terms with each other." I felt extremely uncomfortable talking about this topic with Danny. After what happened to Bianca, I mean she's practically his half-sister.

I was hoping Danny wouldn't ask more but he did. I sighed and explained what happened to Bianca, Zoë and Nico.

Danny stayed silent for a moment. I'm guessing he's trying to process everything. "So, Nico is sorta blaming you for Bianca's death?" I nodded, feeling my stomach turn. "And Bianca sacrificed herself for the quest?"

"Yeah..." I sighed. I looked at him, his face straight and serious. Great, he's going to hate me like Nico.

"Percy, to be honest with you, I don't think any of this is your fault." He said which caught me off guard. "Bianca was the one that made the choice. She wanted to go on the quest and she was will to sacrifice herself." He placed his hand on my shoulder.

I looked into his crystal blue eyes and smiled. "Thanks for understanding."

We then heard the door behind us flew open. We turned our heads thinking it was a servant or even Hades himself but no.

"I thought I smelled something fishy in here."

"Nico!" I gasp, "Its been a while. How've you been?" I asked nervously.

He shrugged and he's eyes looked directly at Danny. They were both staring at each other in silence. My eyes darted back and forth.

"And who?" Nico asked, still staring at Danny. His eyes then widened, "is he the one everyone's talking about?"

Danny smiled, "I'm guessing you're my brother?" He walked over to Nico. Nico was actually shorter than Danny, since Danny and I are almost the same height.

Nico stared warily at Danny. "Its nice to meet you, Nico." Danny extended his arm towards Nico. Surprisingly, Nico extended his too and proceeded to a hand shake. "Nice to meet you too. I was wondering why this place felt more dead than it already is." He joked.

He actually made a joke. I didn't know he could even make a joke.

Danny laughed and his cheeks turned a bit rosy. "What brings you here anyway?" Nico asked. "We received a second prophecy from Rachel while we were in a cab and from what Percy and I got from that prophecy, it lead us here." Danny answered before I get the chance to speak.

Nico turned to me, his eyes staring me down. "Did you ask Annabeth about the prophecy or did you two just so happen to figure it out by yourselves?"

"We did ask her for help at first before the second prophecy was given to us, after that we figured it out on our own..." I replied hesitantly. Nico sighed and shook his head slightly. "Do you not think we can do it on our own?"

"You have to admit, without Annabeth you're basically hopeless. So that means it is difficult to trust you." Nico folded his arms. Danny stood by the side chuckling.

"So you're saying I should Iris message her now?" I reached for my bag. "If that's what u want to do then sure." Nico said.

I sighed. He was right though, for all we know Danny and I could be wrong and wasted our time coming down here.

We waited for a while for her to answer. Eventually she did.

"Seaweed Brain? What's wrong? Are you in the Underworld right now?" Her grey eyes tried to examine the room behind me.

I told her how Danny and I are in the underworld and currently in Hades's palace. I told her Nico was with us too. She was caught off guard hearing that.

I also told her about our take on the prophecy, hoping that we got it right without her help.

"So do you think Danny and I got some parts of the prophecy right?" I waited for her answer. She placed her hand on her cheek and went into thinking mode. I love when she does that, the way her nose scrunches and her eyes so deep in thought. It made her look even cuter.

"It sounds logical to me but it may not always seem that way. For the first part of the prophecy I think you may have gotten that right because I was also thinking of the Underworld. I'm impressed," she smirked. Danny and I shared a proud smile, "but to confirm anything, I suggest you go ask Hades about all this. Since it lead you there in the first place. Ask Nico for some help if you need it too if you meed it. I have to go now Seaweed Brain. Will is calling for me. He wants me to help him with some of the campers again." And with that the call ended.

"Looks like you're not entirely hopeless after all." Nico smirked.

I rolled my eyes while Danny laughed behind me. "Should we go look for Hades now?" I turned to Danny. He nodded in agreement and head for the door.

"Wouldn't you prefer the wall again, Danny." I laughed. He glared at me and I was shot with his ectoplasm.

Nico looked confused and headed out the door, "I will never understand what you just said."

"Oh you will if you ask either Danny or Hades." I was still laughing. "Do you want me to carry you through the halls again?" Danny asked with a hint of annoyance in his voice. "Sure since you're offering to do so. I'm actually really tired and I'm grateful for your kindness."

Without any warning, some skeletons came in and carried both of us out of the room. "What in Hades is happening?" I asked. "Both of you are hopeless, it'll take a decade for both of you to get out of there." Nico said leading the skeletons to Hades's throne room.

Danny and I glanced at each other and just snickered.

Lost Son Of The Sea God (A Danny Phantom And Percy Jackson Story)Where stories live. Discover now