Chapter 15

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Danny's POV
First time ever on Mount Olympus, I didn't expect this kind of welcome.

Zeus is stomping around the place as he's throwing things everywhere. As if he's a little kid throwing a tantrum. A woman in the far end looks like she's furiously knitting? Is this what gods do?

I lean towards Percy and asked, "Are Gods always this... energetic?"

"I mean these two did steal his most prized possession." Percy's gazed followed Zeus' actions.

Zeus didn't even notice we were there. He kept tearing apart the place and causing thundering with his stomping.

I wonder if that's the reason behind thunderstorms.

"I believe you're looking for this?" Percy voiced out smugly. Holding the lightning bolt high up as if he was mocking Zeus.

Zeus stopped in his tracks and slowly turned towards us. I wasn't sure but I think I saw one of Zeus' eyes twitch. His gazed darted from his lightning bolt to Percy then to me then back to his lightning bolt.

Now Zeus may be the god of lightning but I am not joking when I say his eyes were literally on fire with rage.

I backed up and stood behind Percy. "Do you think it was a good idea to just waltz in here unannounced with that in your hands?" My voice quivered slightly.

Zeus stomped towards us and we jumped a little to the stomps he made. He eyed us down but at Percy specifically.

"Percy. Jackson." He said with a gravelly voice. "Why am I not surprised seeing you with MY lightning bolt."

I don't know about Percy or anyone else but I was freaking out. I was on the verge of wanting to get out of there. I have honestly never seen so much anger in one person—a GOD. Not even from Vlad.

I heard Percy chuckled. It sounded very sarcastic. "I am here to return your lightning bolt, and before you think what you're already thinking, no, I did not steal this. If I did I wouldn't be here right now. The ones responsible of this were these two ghosts in that thing." He pointed at the thermos. "This is like what? The second time I've retuned this to you. I expect a thank you."

Zeus glared at Percy with so much aggression. His fists were clenched and I could tell he was grinding his teeth.

"And maybe you could help us." I added. With that I received the deadliest glare ever. " a thank you." I said quietly this time.

Zeus stood there for about 5 minutes before agreeing to help us.

Percy handed the lightning bolt over to him. But in a blink of an eye, he pointed the tip of it at Percy's face. "The next time I see you with this again, I will evaporate you." He warned.

"Shocking." Percy took that warning then we proceeded to follow Zeus into his throne room.

As we walked, I tapped on Percy's shoulder and asked what we're going to do with the two ghosts. "We can't let them go just like that without confronting the owner of the weapon." I glared at the thermos.

Percy glanced at it and smirked. "We'll let Zeus decide on that. But first we need more clues about this other son of Poseidon."

Zeus placed his lightning bolt perfectly next to his throne. Turns around to face us and clearly he isn't amused at all with the idea of helping us. He sat down on his throne at bellowed, "What help do you wish to get from me?"

"We're wondering if you might know anything about the other son of Poseidon." I said with all the confidence I had.

Zeus' eyes widen a bit. "ANOTHER SON?" He cried. It was so loud that the woman who was furiously knitting stopped and dropped her yarn.

"Another son?" The woman chuckled. "I can't say I'm surprised but I honestly thought it would be from my husband." The woman said sheepishly as she picked up her yarn.

"Hera is as cheerful as ever. What'd you do Zeus?" Percy laughed.

Zeus ignored Percy's remark and proceeded. "I do not know anything about this son of Poseidon. But I do know that there is a strong force coming from the other side of this planet."

The both of us looked at each other, both eyebrows raised and shrugged. "And by the other side of the planet you mean?"

"Japan." Zeus replied in an instant. "Tokyo to be specific."

I was lost for words. Percy's half brother is in Japan. Great. That's great. How are we going to get to Japan? Both our jaws were wide open and our eyes looked as if they're about to fall from their sockets.

"Oh and Zeus, what are you doing to do about those who stole your lightning bolt?" Percy nudged me to release Ember and Desiree from the thermos.

I opened the cap and they appeared in front of us, eyes hungry for revenge but as soon as they realized where they were, they started quivering.

"These are the imbeciles who stole my weapon?" Zeus growled. Ember and Desiree were kneeling asking for forgiveness. But Zeus didn't bat an eye.

If they weren't already dead, they'd be dead. But since they are they're... double dead. Yeah.

Zeus turned to me instead and asked "How did the two of you get here?" I was shocked, not going to lie, so I glanced at Desiree and replied, "I made a wish to come here because she grants every wish she hears."

Zeus crossed his arms and tapped his foot. "Do you have any way to get to Japan?"

I don't know the man but it was weird seeing him asking us about our ways of doing things.

Percy shrugged, "Not really but we"ll figure something out."

"Very well then," Zeus sighed. "I, the great and powerful, Zeus shall help you mere mortals."

Okay, so he can be dramatic. This is bad. Very bad. I don't like this.

I looked to Percy with obvious concern in my eyes. They're basically screaming "we NEED to get out of here now."

Percy's eyebrows twitched. I expected him to say something but he shrugged me off. How dare he.

"You shall make a wish that takes you to Japan and these two will be forced to protect you until you're halfway through Japan. If they fail to do so." Zeus twirled his lightning bolt, which I personally think was a dumb thing to do but hey. "they'll have to answer to what they used against you."

Percy laughed, "That's a good deal. I bet you regret ever coming here huh girls?"

Percy grinned at Ember and Desiree who were sneering bitterly at Percy. And at Zeus too but they didn't make it obvious.

"You can be an okay guy, Zeus." I offered to shake his hand. He looked at me like I was trash. After he shook my hand he rubbed his hand on a white cloth.

"Yes. Shouldn't you be off?" He looked at us disgustingly.

"We shall. By the way this is a really nice place you have here." I tried to flatter him.

"It is basically a temple to myself. Of course its nice. More than nice to be exact."

"Okay we're off. Bye." Percy pushed me to the opposite direction of Zeus and pulled the two ghost girls along with us.

"I wish we're in Tokyo, Japan." Percy ordered.

Desiree granted the wish and we're off in a puff of smoke. Everything was hazy and blurry. I felt ground but I saw nothing.

I'm pretty sure I was blacking out.

"Danny!" I heard Percy's muffled voice call out for my name.

I tried to move my head but I was weak. I felt drained.

Then all I heard was a high pitched ring.

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