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The picture above I'd not mine.
Picture I'd of Carla. Eren's mum.

This chapter is shit but trust me all the other chapters are ten times better.

Third person p.o.v

Carla was a very beautiful and caring woman, she was a great Luna for the pack and Grisha was a very lucky Alpha to have such a woman.

One day Carla ran up to her mate with a huge grin on her face. She was dying to tell Grisha the news.

"Hey beautiful." Grisha greets his beautiful mate.

"I have important news to tell you." She says as she giggles.

"And what may that be hmm?" Grisha asks warmly.

"I'm pregnant!" Carla clapped her hands together as she jumped up and down with excitement.

"That's wonderful!" Grisha smiled happily at the idea of a child.

"I know right?"

As the months went on Grisha continuously spoiled his mate, he was too happy to care.

He still did all his Alpha duties, but spent all his spare time on her. You could almost say he was more excited than her. But that would be a lie.

No one was more happy than Carla was. She couldn't wait to meet her baby, which she had found out was a boy.

The mated pair decided to name the baby boy Eren. Both parents had went out shopping for baby boys clothes for when he was born. They had many cute little outfits.

Soon came the day Eren would be born. So after seven long hours of labor Eren entered the world.

"Here's your baby boy Luna. Congrats, by the way." The nurse hands Carla her baby.

"Thank you, and please just call me Carla." She says as she smiles down at her newborn baby.

But shortly after, the doctor came in with a clip board in hand and a worried look in his eyes, however his face stayed emotionless.

"I have bad news, I'm afraid." The doctor states.

"What's wrong doctor?" Carla says in a worried voice.

"First, can one of the nurses take Eren out of the room?"

"Ah... um, sure..." Carla gives her baby to one of the nurses who quickly leaves the room.

"So what's wrong?" Carla asks.

"Alpha Jeager has been informed with the situation. He'll be here soon, since he was in the waiting room."

"What's wrong?" Carla raises her voice a little.

"Nothing it's just-" The doctor was cut off mid-sentence.

"Just what?!" Just then, Grisha slams the door open, and walks right up to Carla and the doctor.

"What is this talk about an omega being born?!" Grisha yells.

"It seems your boy is, in fact, an omega. Alpha Jaeger." Grisha's eyes widen then become sad.

"Impossible." Grisha whispers.

"I'm sorry, but it's true." The doctor says before he leaves.

"That... that means..."

"Grisha please, don't do it!" Carla starts to panic for her newly born baby.

"I have to! It's the rule amongst this pack!" Grisha shouts, tears in his eyes.

"Grisha please, don't kill our boy!" Carla begs, making Grisha pause.

"I won't..." Grisha says quietly.

"Thank you." Carla smiles.

"I have to kill you, in order to stop you from having more omegas." Tears fall at a rapid pace down Grisha's face, as he moves closer to his mate.

Carla's eyes widen as she begs for her life. But Grisha wouldn't have it. He snapped the neck of his mate as he heard her scream. It was the last thing he heard from her.

Grisha walked out of the room and told one of the nurses to take care of Eren until he was fifteen years old.

Grisha wasn't going to let his son have his pack. No. He wasn't going to let an omega have his pack. So Grisha decided that the beta's first born would take over his pack, which happened to be Mikasa.

So when she comes of age and Grisha is ready to retire she will become the Alpha, just until she finds her mate, of course. Then she'll be the Luna.

For as long as Eren remembered he was always bullied. He was bullied because he had no mother, because his father, the Alpha, did not want him, and because Eren was an omega.

Luckily for Eren, he had his best friend Armin to help him through all the tough times. Eren and Armin had become the best of friends. Eren saw Armin as his only family, even though Eren knew who his dad was and that he'd be allowed to stay with him when he turns fifteen.

Though Eren just didn't see Grisha as a father.

When Eren did turn fifteen, and moved in with his so-called "father," he was shocked when he found out what his dad was like.

His father abused him with hurtful words, talking about how it was Eren's fault that Carla was dead, that he wished Eren was never born. Because for Grisha, it was Eren's birth that took his mate.

For Eren's sixteenth and seventeenth birthday, he was locked in his room without food or water, though that was normal. Some days Grisha refused to let Eren eat anyways.

A few times, Eren met the soon-to-be-Alpha, Mikasa, and they became close. Eren told her what his dad was doing and she didn't like it. She became very protective of Eren, though she didn't disobey the Alpha. She knew that would only lead to her death. Not long after, Eren introduced Mikasa to Armin, and then on the trio were the best of friends.

But to Eren, they were his family.

Hoped you guys liked the first chapter. It's around 900 words so it's the longest chapter in all of my stories do yay me.

Anyway please comment and vote.

Thank you for reading.

My Alpha Mate (An Riren Fanfic) (Werewolf AU)[My Best Book, #1 Book Of My Books]Where stories live. Discover now