chapter 11

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Recap of where we left off :

I walk back to my office. This day was been a big pain and it's all that stupid brats fault. I wish he does die. But I also hope he lives. Guess that's more Azai than me though.

Eren's P.O.V

I heard noise around me. But I couldn't see anything. I couldn't open my eyes leaving me blind to the world around.

The noise soon became more clear. I heard beeping and the sound of footsteps. People were talking.

"He's going to live right?" That voice. It sounds like Mikasa. B-but that can't be. Shes with the Night Pack, my father's pack.

"Yes he's going to live. He lost a lot of blood but we've given him a blood transfer. He's blood levels are rising and his pulse is coming back" Hanji reply.

She sounds like she's beside me. I feel something grab my hand. I want to look over there and see what it is but I can't. I have no clue what's happening around me.

"Please... please Eren. Wake up" Armin he's here too. Why. Why are they here. How did they get away from Grisha.

It's him who's holding my hand. I want to show him I am awake. I use all my energy into my hand and squeeze his.

It took me awhile but I felt my hand move and I heard the gasp from his lips. He had felt my hand move too.

"Mikasa his hand move. He's waking up" I could hear the joy in his voice.

"Eren. Eren can you hear me?" Mikasa asks.

I groan as I try to open my eyes again. But they weren't listing to me so I squeeze Armin's hand with a little more strength.

"He's responding to your voice. Keep talking" hanji says.

"Eren open your eyes. Please Eren. Wake up" Mikasa pleds.

"Eren please we need you" I squeeze his hand again.

I try so hard to open them and this time they obey. I looked around the room to find myself in Hanji's office.

I look over to Armin and Mikasa and smile weakly at them. I'm so happy to see them.

"H-hey Mika, Ar" I say weakly.

"Eren I'm so glad your okay. But why. I know you cut but never this bad. You could of killed yourself"

"That was kind of the point. I didn't think I would see you again" tears were now running down my face a they were Mikasa's and Armins.

"Eren you can't do that thing anymore. You could of killed not just yourself but the baby" Hanji brakes our quite crying.

"W-what baby" Mikasa looks over to hanji

"Eren care to explain" Armin asks.

"It's not like I wanted this baby. I never wanted to have sex either. I was raped. I didn't tell you cause I thought you would be ashamed of me"

"We would never be ashamed of you Eren" Armin reassures me.

"Why didn't you tells? When did this happen? You have to tell us" Mikasa rushes her words.

"Because I was scared Mikasa... I was raped exactly two weeks before being sold"

"So 6 weeks ago. Then you only have 14 weeks of pregnancy left" Armin says quietly.

"Um sorry to brake it to ya coconut but pregnancy is 36 weeks and it's only been 7 weeks so he has 30 weeks left" Hanji explains.

"My name isn't coconut it's Armin and I read in a book about omegas and in it, it said omegas have 5 months pregnancy instead of 9 months"

"Wait 7 weeks don't you mean 6 weeks" I ask.

"Eren you've been unconscious for a whole week" Armin tells me.

"Holy shit" I say in disbelief.

"Eren shit isn't holy" Hanji giggles.

"So I only have 14 weeks left maybe that could be the reason why I'm so big already" I say to Hanji.

"Hmm interesting" she rubs her chin like she did when we first meet.

"So what are you gonna name him or her" Mikasa asks.

I didn't think she'd ask that. I was actually waiting for her to say get rid of it. But to hear her ask for what I'm gonna name the baby is not what I expected.

(So baby names. Anyone got any ideas. Plz.)

"Ah I haven't thought of any"

"Well you better think quickly. You only have 3 and a half months" Armin says.

"Well I better go and tell Alpha levi your awake" Hanji butts in.

"Why do you need to tell him" I ask.

"Because he was the one who found you" she answers.

"That's why he had your blood on him" Mikasa adds.

He found me. Then he would have had to come to my room. But was he asked too or did he come to his own will. How long after a past out did he find me.

Levi's P.O.V

It's been a whole week since I found Eren in his own blood and my wolf hasn't stop whimpering. Azai has been asking me every day to go see him but I won't.

Not only has Azai been worried but so have I. His feelings have become mine and I worrie about the boy. I actually want him to live.

I want to be able to see those beautiful sea green eyes. The blue mixing in with the green with gold specks. They were truly amazing.

His children will be beautiful but they be weak and a pack needs a strong leader. He won't be able to give or the pack that.

Not that I care. No one wants an omega for a mate. If I had accepted him it would bring shame to my family and my pack. I won't let that happen.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in"

"I have news" Hanji walks in with a smile.

"What is it shitty glasses"

"Eren's awake" she says bluntly.

"Doesn't bother me" I say but inside I was happy. I was glad he was alive but I wasn't going to tell anyone. Azai was definitely happy. Jumping around in joy.

"Don't say that. We've been having less attacks because of him. He's been so useful"

"Yeah yeah now leave me be"

"Fine" she storms off.

So short chapter but hey I did just updated a chapter yesterday so be happy to be able to get one so soon.

My Alpha Mate (An Riren Fanfic) (Werewolf AU)[My Best Book, #1 Book Of My Books]Where stories live. Discover now