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The pills were making me sick. That's what I told Wanda. I needed to find out who killed my parents and there has not been any effect made because of the pills. The pills were supposed to help me get better but instead they made me faint.. how am I supposed to find him when I am fainting every few seconds? Wanda sighs in her chair and looks at my profile.

"Have you seen any other hallucinations?" She asked, with an annoying tone in her voice.

"Not since yesterday."

"See? They make you lose the sense of seeing hallucinations."

"Not really, they made me faint, so of course I wouldn't see anyone!"

There was a long pause and then:

"Who do you think killed your parents?" She was now interrogating me.

"Someone... that I didn't know before."
"Then how are you supposed to find him if you don't know him?"

"Then who do you think killed them?"

There was a long pause and she simply said, "I don't know, but whoever it is, they are surely going to pay the consequences."

"I guess so," I say.

"Claire, did you kill your parens?" She asks blankly.

"NO! Wanda, where did that come from! I miss my mother so much! I would never do anything like that to anyone, especially my parents! Why would you think that?

The door slightly opens as I speak this. I see a hand with gloves appear at the doorway and I start to scream. I tell Wanda to look out behind her, that he is right there, she whips back and the man slowly takes out a syringe and grabs Wanda's hair. I try to grab Wanda to pull her out of his grasp, but her punches me across the face. I hit the side of the wall with all my force and my phone slips out of my pocket. I reach it and silently dial 9-1-1. My heart is beating rapidly in my chest and I feel a throbbing pain in my head that won't go away.

"Hello, what's your emergency."

"Someone is being killed in Wanda's office in the center of the town!" I yell into the phone. The man hears me and starts smashing my phone with his feet. The phone shatters and breaks with each stomp he makes on my phone.

Wanda tries to pounce on him but he quickly reacts and punctures Wanda's throat with the syringe. Who would do this to someone? This person is so sick. I fall onto the floor and start to cry. The man looks at me.

"Kill me! Just kill me! What do you want!!"

The man says nothing and he leaves. I chase after him, racing down the empty street. I hear the police sirens and I trip in the snow face first but quickly pick myself back up and continue to run.. After two minutes of running, I can't find him anywhere. I lost him and he was right in front of me. I start to punch the ground with my fist and I hit it with all my force. I hit it and I hit it.

The police arrive at the scene and I tell them in a frantic voice that he escaped. Tears start falling from my eyes. A few minutes later, Susanne arrives and she grabs me. She starts touching me to see if everything is okay with me. She asks me if I am okay and if he hurt me in any way. I start to cry even more but I manage to tell her that he did not hurt me.

I ask the police what in the world just happened. He told me that she had been murdered instantly when the injection was stabbed into her throat but that they did not know what the liquid was in the injection.

I start to walk towards the police tape but someone stops me and tells me that I cannot pass and that I would have to wait but I have not time to wait, so I jump the tape and move on forward. The man just crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. I got to the office and poked my head inside. Wanda's body was lying there with her life gone. Her body looked as cold as my chocolate milk was the day I first had it, her eyes were wide open and hopelessly looking into mine. There was no use crying, I needed to find the killer for my mom and for Wanda. I know I was mad at her because she thought that I was the killer but I forgive her and want to thank her for everything she did to try to help me. She was like a friends to me.

I walk back out to Susanne's car and get in. Susanne was waiting for me inside.

"You okay?" She asks.

"Yes, I guess."
We drive in silence back to the house and I drop my bags onto my bed. The man is still out there and I won't be able to sleep for another day. I slump down onto my bed and scream into the pillow.

Wanda, Maggie, and Garred are all dead. Why not me?

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