Chapter 6

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Aaron's POV

Ruby looked upset. She didn't do I put it, content as earlier today.

"Is everything alright?" I asked still focusing on the road.

"Yeah, I guess." She replied.

"Well if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here." I said sincerely. She sighed.

"Say you had a friend that was in an accident." She started. "That friend almost died, but lived with the reminder of blindness. Would you still be friends with them, feel forced to be their friend because of pity, or would you just leave them?" She finished. I was shocked. I've never had a blind friend, but I wouldn't leave a friend just because of that.

"I would stay their friend. Blindness doesn't change a persons personality or how they think about certain things. I imagine they would be upset sometimes whether at the world or just at random things because of what they're going through. Blindness doesn't place a person in society, I mean other than judgy people being mean, but blindness is a part of that person. It makes them, well them. We shouldn't pity people with disabilities, I think we should try to make them see they're not alone." I responded with sincerity and honesty.

"Oh." She said. "What would you do if one of your friends really was blind though?"

"I don't know really." I said.

"Oh." She said still looking out the side window.

"So, we are just about ten minutes away from our destination now." I said still focusing on the road.

"Alright." She responded. I started to wonder why she had asked me all those things.


Our night was fantastic. I got Ruby home around 11:50 and now it's 2 in the morning and I can barely sleep. I decided to try and figure out some things.

I went online and searched the possibilities of why peoples eyes could be unfocused. The largest possibility was blindness, but there were others like cataracts and stuff so I kept searching. Finally I found a  biography on a person that is blind that tells how they feel. Almost everything the person had wrote for them matched some of the ways Ruby acts. Then it dawned o me.

Ruby is blind.

I climbed into bed not wanting to think about it, but I couldn't help but feel hurt, anger, betrayal, understanding, and knowledge.

With that knowledge in mind, I finally fell asleep.


When I woke up I got dressed as fast as I could, grabbed an apple and raced out the door to my car.

"Ugh." I groaned and made my way back inside to grab my keys. I then raced back to my car, started it and made my way to Ruby's house.

Once I reached her driveway I stopped the car, parked it, and made my way to the door feeling hurt rise up again, but when Ruby opened the door, I don't know what happened but a surge of anger rose in me.

"Hel-" Ruby started, but I interrupted.

"When were you going to tell me huh?! Does Anna know? Of course she does right? Well am I right?!" I yelled.

"Yes." She replied softly. The anger subsided, but guilt, hurt and tears arose.

"When were you going to tell me?" I croaked out. She looked at my direction.

"I was going to tell you...eventually." She teared up. I backed away. "Please don't go. Don't leave me." She begged.

"I'm sorry, I can't handle this right now." I said and started to walk away but something caught my attention. "What are those?" I pointed at her wrist. I shook my head. "You know what, forget it. I honestly can't handle this right now." And with that I walked away.


2 updates in a day :) Let me know how I did please and if I should continue the book. Thx guys.


The Blind Girl And The Quarterback (Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now