Chapter 13

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Ruby's POV

I woke up to my phone ringing and only saw darkness. Oh yeah. I felt for my phone and finally found it and answered it.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hi!" Anna's voice spoke through.

"Oh, hi Anna," I said with sleep covering my tone.

"I heard Aaron was in the hospital. How is he?" She asked.

"He went home yesterday. They said his vitals were fine, but he is probably going to be in pain for awhile. He had to get surgery..." I trailed off. "You know how I told you my dad left us?"

"Oh...and yeah, why?" she asked.

"I found out that my dad is Aaron's step dad," I said.

"Oh my gosh! Okay, girls' night! I'll be there in thirty," she said and hung up.


Let me catch you up on where we are now.

An hour ago we arrived at Anna's house after she picked me up. She got out all these snacks, but I only ate my favorites which are kit kats, junior mints, m&ms, and mounds. We sat on her couch and I told her about what happened and stuff. She then said I needed to cheer up which leads up to now.

"Ow! This is so unfair! You're having a pillow fight with a blind person," I pouted.

"No pouting!" Whack! "This is supposed to make you happier!" she shouted at me.

"You're going to kill me!" I yelled as I held my pillow in front of my face for protection. I heard Anna sigh.

"Fine," whack! "Okay now I'm done," she said as I pouted rubbing my leg.

"Meanie," I said. I could imagine she stuck her tongue out, but I don't know who's face I imagined doing it. I sighed. "Sometimes it's not so bad to be blind, but then you realize what you're really missing out on other times," I said into the air hoping Anna was listening. I felt her push me gently to the couch and told me to sit down.

"I know it's hard, but look at how far you've made it. You haven't let this disability control you or your life. You've learned to live with it and have accepted that it's not going to change. You've made it this long, you can keep going," she said trying to calm me.

"What if I can't keep going though, what if it becomes too hard. What if, with seeing everyone around me happily married someday and I am still just me, drives me over the edge. What if I can't keep going anymore and I give up," I asked. I felt her put her hand on my shoulder and rub soothingly.

"You'll make it through this, trust me," Anna said. "Would you like to sleepover?"

"Sure," I replied.

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