Chapter 12

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As I sat there, in Aaron's hospital room, I could only imagine what he looked like now. It was all my fault. I don't know what to do. Being in a hospital only reminds I was here. I can still remember waking up not being able to see anything. Death seemed better at the time. Things got better, but the question I'm always asking myself is, did things really get better? I sighed and spoke out.

"The nurses taking care of you now said that even though you're in a coma, you can still hear me," I said. "I know what its like to hear peoples voices and not being able to see them, the only difference is that I can't wake up from this, you can. Do me a favor and wake up, if not me then do it for your mother." I sighed again. "Every day you don't wake up, there's a greater possibility you won't wake up at all. So please wake up."

I felt around in front of me for the hospital bed then felt for his hand. I finally found it and held onto it.

"I'm sorry I never told you, but I didn't know how to. The majority of people that find out leave me. I was selfish to keep that away from you because I didn't want you to leave. I thought what you didn't know would be better, but in the end it was worse. Now here you are in the hospital and it's all my fault, I'm so sorry," and then I started to cry. Suddenly, a voice spoke and the hand I was holding squeezed back.

"I would never leave you. I don't care that you're blind, no one's perfect. It's not your fault. None of this is your fault. While I was in the coma, for that short time, and you talked to me but I couldn't hear you, is that really how you feel all the time?" Aaron asked. I just nodded. "I'm sorry."

"I should probably get a nurse since you're up now," I said. "They said there should be a red button near your bed. Can you help me find it?" I asked. I guess he nodded since he started calling out directions.

"Left," I moved left. "Okay, now put your hand out in front of ur face and move straight forward until you hit the button," I followed his command and soon found the button and pressed it. About two minutes later I was back on the seat and the door opened letting in a nurse I think.

"Oh good you're awake," a male voice spoke. "I just need to check your vitals and then I believe you can go," the nurse guy said and all I could do was look in the direction of his voice. He must've looked at me for I heard another gasp and I wanted to groan. "Your eyes, they're very unique," he spoke as I heard shuffling. Probably him checking Aaron's vitals.

"So I've heard," I spoke politely.

"Are you okay? You seem to be a little unfocused," the nurse spoke in concern almost as if this wasn't normal.

"I'm okay," I said. "I'm just blind."

"Oh," he spoke. "Well your friend seems to be doing okay. Let me just go get his mom to sign some papers and he'll be good to go," then he was gone.


Aaron's POV

Once my mother and step dad got me home, I couldn't tell you how exhausted I was. I immediately went to my room and laid on my bed. Everything hurt. My step dad then came in my room.

"Aaron, there's something I think you should know," he said and I nodded telling him to continue. "The girl that had visited you while you were in the hospital is my..." I didn't hear the rest. I was just too tired.

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