Chapter 18

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I guess I could be like my mom and pass out from shock, but I didn't get that gene from her thankfully. I could not physically pick my mother up and put her on a couch or bed without hurting one of us, and Garrett was not home. All I could do was stand there and wait for her to wake up.

I stood there for maybe five minutes before I got impatient and found a seat to sit on while I wait. That took me about two minutes. So I sat in a seat, mission accomplished, and waited for my mother to wake up.

As I sat there, I thought I was about to go insane. I don't have my phone on me for music, I can't see anything to maybe sketch or do my homeschooling homework without help. So no, I was stuck in a seat twittling my thumbs for maybe an hour, okay that's a lie maybe thirty minutes, but let's be honest, it felt like an hour.

Garrett showed up during that time. I heard the door open and footsteps travel into the kitchen.

"Hey Rube, hey mo- woah, what happened here?" Garrett asked and I could imagine his eyes looking between mom and I, but I can't imagine his face, my imagination isn't that good.  So I told him what I had told mom and you know what I get in response? A freaking thump.


I can't tell you how much I wanted to bang my head on whatever surface it was in front of me whether it was the wall, the dining table, a counter, you name it I was so close to doing it. I think I might've taken a powernap somewhere in the time my family was passed out on the floor.

Like I've said before, I can't explain what it feels like to wake up when you're blind. You have four out of five of your senses, maybe five out of six if you have a sixth sense, but you're still missing one. You wake up and open your eyes, you can feel your eyelids lift over your eyes, but there's nothing to see. It's dark, black. It's like the color of when you're out at sea in a storm looking into the angry depth of the sea. It's dark, black basically with no light to reflect even your shadow off of.

That's what I see.


My mother and Garrett both took turns asking me multiple times if I really wanted to go through this. I haven't even said yes yet for crying out loud, but I did promise Aaron. Well crap.

I sighed knowing that I was going to have to make a decision soon. I weighed my options of stay blind, or possibly see again. There was this silent debate going through my mind. I ran my hand down the side of my face in frustration. So I called Anna.

"Hello?" Anna's voice spoke through after the second ring.

"Hey Anna, I need your help with something," I replied and then this happened.

"So I'm guessing I need to bring clothes, makeup, hair products and shoes. Is this more of a casual type thing, formal, or semi-formal? What skin tone do you have? All this must be per-"

"Woah Anna. I'm not calling about a party or dance," I said.

"Oh I know that, silly. You're calling because of a date," she said and I sighed.

"Wrong again, but it's about the check up that Aaron had," I said. This must've gotten her attention.

"Why? What happened? Is everything alright?" Anna asked in a worried tone.

"Everything is okay with Aaron, but what I'm trying to say is that when I was there, they said that they could perform a procedure and give me my sight back, I just don't know if I really want to go through with it or not, and that's where you come in," I told Anna through the phone.

"For real? Are you serious right now?! I mean, come on! You're a diamond with boobs! Say YES!" Anna nearly squealed through the phone. I smiled slightly.

"Then my answer is...yes."

The Blind Girl And The Quarterback (Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now