Chapter 9- Joy

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Before you try to kill me!! I had made my best, I really had....well... I tried. This Chapter will be edited, this isn't the final deal. Please don't hate me:(

It has been a hard week for me:(

But, what is promised, is given;)

Here you go!


Kaylie's POV

Want... What? So my mate is also a royal?? Quite a twist huh? Ecstatic was nothing compared to what my wolf was feeling. She was overwhelmed with pride, she did love him unconditionally, but him being a royal was something to be even more proud, if possible, of.

The moment they introduced me I couldn't help but let out a cheeky smile, knowing I wouldn't be the only one getting surprises this day.

And... I was right.

He didn't expect it, obviously, and it made my heart skip a beat when he smiled at me, also even more proud to call us his. Besides, he was looking so damn good... And the lust in his eyes didn't make it better.

"Go to him!" my wolf was getting impatient with every second.

"Don't do this now, we are being introduced to his family..." I tried to convince her.

She whined.

"It doesn't matter!! He is OURS and we are HIS!!" she growled.

I sighed.

I realized I had zoned out, for Madeline had to nudge me a bit for me to wake up.

-Princess? Is everything okay?- she had a worried expression on her face. I smiled, reassuring her.

-Yes, I'm sorry.- I apologized both to her and the royal family in front of me.- I am still a bit in shock, with everything that has happened. - I smiled, a bit ashamed about the reaction this boy had on me.

"Well, duh, he is our mate..." my wolf made fun of me.

"Oh shush it, will you?" I blocked her.

-Yes, dear, we understand, there's no need to apologize for what is out of our control. We are glad you made it safely here.

I bowed my head towards Queen and Luna Charice, who gave me the "official" welcoming.

-Princess Kaylie, we hope as far as you have stayed here you've had a pleasant time. As Madeline must have told you, you are free to explore to castle.... Derreck will accompany you and give you a small tour around the whole place so you get familiarized with it, before the rest of your pack arrives and we have the feast. -The King had a deep, rich voice, showing power and control.

I nodded, not wanting to disturb him.

"We want Cedric! Not Derreck!!" my wolf whined.

"Everything was so much easier when you were quiet... We don't want to get in trouble, do we?" I had to admit I was also a bit angry and upset, but tried my best not to show it.

But then, a low, aggressive growl was heard. It sent shivers down my spine, yet turned me on like mad...

-I will give her the tour.- the beautiful voice of my mate stated.

My eyes went wide, but was pleased with the protectiveness of my mate showing.

-But Cedric...- I heard the King, before he was cut off by his son.

-I said I will give her the tour!- suddenly, an arm was snaking around my waist, pulling me towards a strong chest, not letting me go.

The touch gave me tingles and I felt sparks and warmth where our skin touched.

I blushed violently and had a hard time not snuggling into his chest and inhaling his scent. My head rose slowly, as I saw the shcok in the faces of the rest of my mate's family. I then took a glance at Cedric's face... My wolf purred at his name.

He was breathtaking, even with his threatening expression on. I had to admit... I was getting extremely turned on by this...

-Oh!- I heard the queen gasp. My eyes traveled to her figure. Her eyes were sparkling with joy, and her lips formed one of the biggest smiles I had ever seen! And believe me, once you have seen my mother's smile at her fullest there is barely anything that will take you by surprise.

-So, you are...- the king trailed off, his finger skipping from me to him.

-We are mates, yes.- I said with pride and happiness dripping from my voice. I looked at him once again and my breath hitched at the sight of his eyes admiring me, almost reaching an adoration level. I smiled and knew my eyes had pretty much the same emotion showing.

-This means...- the queen whispered quietly before quickly glancing at her mate and husband and then looking at me, yet again.

-The prophecy!- she squealed with excitement. I had never seen a royal so.... Childish, well besides my brother, especially not a queen.

I then understood why she was so happy. And I got relieved too. I wasn't in danger anymore, at least the Dark Moon King wouldn't get the chance to make me his forced mate. My mate was standing here, with me in his arms and there wasn't a chance he was letting me go, for sure. And I wasn't letting him let me go.

-Now King Darrien won't get the chance....- Derreck's phrase wasn't even finished when another low, threatening growl erupted from the strong chest of Cedric. He held me even closer and tighter, making my breathing a bit harder. His closeness wasn't enough for my wolf though...

-He won't even get near her, he won't even realize what hit him if he tries anything.- was his voice sexy! My heart thumped hard against my chest, wanting to kiss him there and then.

-Of course, he won't even get close to our territory...- the queen said, not losing her happiness.

Suddenly I felt my mind link twitch.

"Sister!? Kaylie?! Where are you lil sis??" Shawn's voice sounded freaked out. I giggled, making the royals, including my wonderful, sexy and hot mate give me weird looks.

"I'm okay you dumbhead, I got great news. Is everyone okay?" I mind linked him before telling him I would talk to him later and hearing that everyone was doing good, just a few scratches.

-Sorry, seems like my pack is here.- I smiled.

They seemed to be even more glad at my news.

-Wonderful!! We will get everything prepared for tonight's feast, it should be magnificent!! We will announce your bond! The future King and Queen! Alpha and Luna of our entire race!

It was strange, but I didn't feel nervous of it at all. Maybe it was the fact that my mate was still holding me and that he had begun digging his nose in my hair, sniffing and breathing my scent, hugging me protectively. But tell me, who doesn't like being hugged from behind and then sniffed? Okay, let's stay with the hugging only...

But joy was all I felt in that moment. My pack had arrived safe and sound, I had found my mate, who happened to be the definition of PERFECT, everything would be falling in place and soon enough the Dark Moon pack and it's allies wouldn't be more than history and a bad memory.


Lame! I know! I also know I promised there would be teasing, but I just had these feel to make it a bit serious and IDK that's what I got.

Tomorrow's my free day so I should be working on Chapters 10 and 11;)

Wish me luck in my French test!! Really nervous about it haha

Be patient for me please! I know I have been slow, but hey! Weekend's almost here!

Thank you for your votes and comments!

Love you sweet angels!

-Stardust xx.

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