Chapter 34- One

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Kaylie's POV

I got a hold on myself, controlled my breathing and straightened.

I put on my underwear and let my hair flow down my back, while I wrapped the towel once again to go out.

-Viane? You still there?- I called while pecking out of the bathroom.

I saw the door closed, and Viane nowhere to be seen, so I grasped tightly the twoel and went out.

"Viane?? Where are you? What am I supposed to wear?" I mindlinked her, sensing her euphoria and excitment. What was it with this woman?

"I put your royal gown on the bed, your heels are there too... and yes.. you are definitely wearing them!!"

I cringed at her tone.

I really didn't want to wear them... Might as well burn them...

"Don't even think about it." her warning made me whine in annoyance.

I sighed, but proceeded to unwrap the towel and study the beautiful gown that was lying neatly on my bed.

It was a long sleeved dark blue dress, the sleeves were made out of see-through fabric with several stones the color of the dress. It had a heart shaped top with some small details flowing down to the skirt, starting in a concentrated way, dispersing until there was no detail to be seen. It was truly gorgeous.

I put it on and struggled with the small buttons on a side until I reached my goal. Next, I took the heels and sighed in relief once I realized they weren't as high as I feared. I put them on and then just flopped on the bed.

"Viane... what am I supposed to do now?" I decided that Viane was now the organizer of this whole thing... or at least she was in charge of preparing me, so I reached for her as soon as I was done with everything else.

"I'm heading to your room to do your makeup and hair..." I widened my eyes and groaned.

"Kay, I'll try not to over-do it, I promise! Just promise you will be still!!" I groaned again and nodded once.

"Kay?" Viane's voice called again and I facepalmed myself as I remembered she couldn't see me.

"Yes, Viane, but make it fast please." I huffed in defeat while I heard 'yays' coming from the corridor, and took a pillow and hid myself under it, waiting for torture to begin.

The pillow was suddenly yanked away from my face and my hands continued to cover my face, but the death hold of Viane never came, and I separated my fingers so I could peek a bit.

The radiant and beaming smile of Viane was the first thing I noticed, and the intrigue forced me to uncover my face entirely. She had already her makeup done and her hair was tied up in a neat bun.

-C'mon!! I want to see the dress on you!!!! Kaylie!! Get up right now or I swear I'm going to call Cedric and tell him that one of the new wolves has been flirting with you!!

You could say that my face paled that same instant.

-You wouldn't, now, would you? Put in risk one of those innocet wolves?- I gasped.

Sure, I would probably explain everything to Cedric, then he would laugh it off...

But there was something even better to do with her threat.

-You would seriously make his own schedule get interrupted.

She seemed to think about it, but shrugged and yanked me by an arm.

-I would burn you or tie you up to a tree if you weren't a close friend of mine...-I mumbled while I got pushed into a chair.

-You know you love me, Kay.- she chuckled as she turned on the straightener and started doing turns and stuff to my poor hair.

Some minutes later, she had managed to braid my hair on one side, locking the other one in some sort of strange ponytail.

She made a sound of contentment and proceeded to turn to a big makeup box, a whimper escaping my lips. Don't get me wrong, I've got nothing against makeup and stuff, I just don't like it in big amounts.

-Don't overdo it, remember?- I warned her, seriously.

-I promised.- she put a hand over her heart and did a dramatic pose, earning a laugh from me.

-Let's do this!!- she squealed and I closed my eyes.

I really hope this is worth it.

Not so much later, I had felt a few pinches at my eyebrows, some brushing all over my face, especially on my eyelids, recognized the eyeliner, felt the mascare being put on and my lipstic too.

I huffed and groaned for the millionth time, asking Viane if she had finished already.

-For the Moon Goddes Kay! Yes!! I've already finished!!- she exclaimed as she pushed me out of the chair not so kindly and dragged me to a mirror.

She gasped. I gasped.

I should really thank her. She had done a beautiful light makeup. just a darker shade for my eyelids, my lips were plump and a beautiful shade of red, closer to pink than to dark red.

And the hair just made it all better.

I turned to her, her eyes were glassy, tears making their way down her cheeks.

-Hey, hey, hey... thank you! I look...

-Stunning? Yes you do, now hurry, I think Cedric is already making his way to the throne room.

I took a deep breath and nodded, giving her a wide smile.

"You better have had such a terrorific time as I had." I mindlinked him.

"Believe me, my mother and your mother wouldn't leave me alone." He groaned and I had to laugh.

"You weren't all dolled up by your crazy bestfriend." I said back.

"Point there." he chuckled.

"I miss you." I whimpered, containing my excitment to see him again.

"Miss you too, just about five minutes till we see each other again. Don't worry kitten." His voice sent shivers down my spine, and goosebumps appeared down my arms.

"We all will soon be one."

"By the way, this is just going to be a banquet. The real ceremony is tomorrow. I asked my parents about this and they told me that the other packs, who are now part of our new one, are going to be arriving by dawn, so the ceremony will be held tomorrow, in presence of the whole new pack."

I sighed and turned to Viane, who smiled at me.

I rolled my eyes and laughed.


-Yes Kay?

-Did you know this was going to be a banquet?- I gritted my teeth.

-Uhm.. n-n-noo.. I mean y-yes... but..

-You dolled me up, I was thinking this was going to be the real ceremony!!

-Kaylie, c'mon, we need to go or we are arriving late.

I huffed and pouted as we made our way to the dining hall. We walked right past it soon and I was just about to voice my thoughts out loud.

-Bye, Kay, see you later.- Viane winked at me, as I frowned deeply, before I felt two familiar arms wrap around my waist.

I watched in amusement as Viane entered the crowded throne room.

-Don't blame her, I tricked you so you wouldn't be as nervous as you were. All of the packs were already making their way here when we announced we had found each other that one night at the banquet.

His lips connected with my neck, quickly finding the mark. I was careful not to let out a loud moan.

-Now, we are turning King and Queen.. -he turned me around and rested his forehead on mine.

-As one..- I pecked his lips once and pulled apart, taking his hand in mine, staring at those beautiful eyes that had revealed to me that he was my mate, that he would be with me for the rest of our lives.

-As one.- he agreed.

We stepped into the throne room and silence invaded the whole place.

Our steps were the only thing to be heard, each glance, look, stare in our way. I grasped Cedric's hand tighter.

We arrived at the thrones and stood there, glancing back to the crowd. Cedric's father and mine, as the two most powerful Alphas before, gave Cedric the crown and put on the royal cape. Then, Cedric's mother and mine, being the two most powerful Lunas, gave me my tiara and ring.

The two Alphas voices were heard.

-We give you, King of Kings, King of Alphas, King of the Werewolf kind, King Cedric Shinedawn, mated to the whole-blooded white she-wolf Kaylie Risinger.

Now it was my turn, and my mother's and Cedric's voice were heard.

-And now, we give you, Queen of Queens, Queen of Lunas, Queen of our kind, Queen Kaylie Risinger, whole-blooded white she-wolf, mated to King Cedric Shinedawn.

Now, the four leaders chorused into one voice.

-May the Moon Goddess, our mother, guide them and let them reign wisely, with love and care, let them guide our kind to greatness and learn from us as we will do from them. Let King Cedric show justice and determination, let Queen Kaylie show us her motherly ways as every Luna does, let her show us her tenderness. May the Moon Goddess bless their power, for a new era has begun. We are now One pack, we are now One family.

I felt the new connections getting stronger, I heard more voices, I felt new emotions.

A soft sound was heard and Cedric and I watched as every single were in the room kneeled and bowed their heads to us.

-And now, let the King and Queen select their two Betas and three Thirds-in-commands.

You see, the were kind was quite large, we needed as much help as possible.

I glanced at Cedric, knowing the first ones we were selecting as one of our Beta's couple.

I was the first one to speak.

-Shawn Risinger and Viane Bondell, you will be one of our Betas' couples.

They stood up and went to stand beside my side, beaming widely at me.

-Roran Faithwell and Giana Thornthreat, from the former Moon Rising pack, you will be our other Betas.- Cedric spoke.

They aswell stood up and nodded with small grins towards us. I looked at Giana and smiled at her. She seemed the friendly shy kind. They positioned themselves on Cedric's side.

-Now, our Thirds-in-commands. I'm picking Howard Goodwill and Chanzey Starlit, from the former Summer Moon pack.

I spoke next.

-I select Dylan Nodthril and Casey Lodry from the former Moon Rising pack.- I gave a small smile to them, for I had met them at a reunion before all this mess even begun.

-I pick Sander Tondther and Selena Moonred from the former White Moon pack.- I gasped and searched for their faces. Selena had been a close friend ever since we were in diapers, but had grown aparth because of royal issues.

I finally found them and beamed at them, who returned the smile back efore heading to the front with the other third-in-commands.

Then a chorus erupted in the whole room.

-Long live the King! Long live the Queen! Long live the Alpha! Long live the Luna! Long live the Goddess!!

The crowd started cheers and applauses as Cedric took my chin and kissed me deeply, cupping my cheek with his free hand.

-I love you.- I whispered once we broke apart and everyone started heading to the dining hall.

-I love you too... Both of you..- He whisperd back as he rested one hand on my belly.


Sweet angels of mine!!

I beg your forgiveness for my late update!! The chapter got deleted and I dont know why:/

What did you think of it anyways? Comment and vote if you liked it!!! :D

I actually think I would do one chapter more and we are done with Royal Alpha;)

A sequel is actually looking good for me!!

I really like some of my ideas for one... and you have quite inspired me a lot too!!

Thank you for every single act of support you have given me!!

Final chapter and announcement coming soon!! (Now soon for real)

Loving you lots!!!

-Stardust xx.


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