Chapter 26- Not yours

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Kaylie's POV

My eyelids started fluttering open at the sudden movements of my body, which I guessed was being carried by some stranger.

I studied the face of the man and recognized him as the one who had taken me from the garden.

I left out a low growl but stopped as soon as I saw someone getting closer to us.

-Here she is, just as you told me you wanted her.- I hissed in pain when he tried to pass me to the other guy's arms.

A small growl was heard next.

-Did you hurt her? Why is there blood all over her? I told you to be fucking careful with her!!! She's your future Luna and Queen!!- a dark, deep voice snarled at the man. I froze and tried not to shiver in repulse when I saw the man.

Strong features, black eyes, dark hair and well-built chest. He was wearing a royal combat suit with a black hood and boots. And he had the royal symbol of the Dark Moon pack...

King Darrian.

I started wiggling and struggling to get out of the other man's grip and made him loose just enough for me to fall to the ground and get up for the spring of my life.

-What? Get her!! You fools!! Go get her!! Don't let her escape!!- I heard more shouts and orders before I was swept off my feet and carried back to the king's front garden.

-Please, don't do this. I'm begging you. Please let me go.- I whimpered.

That's when the pain started.

The pain of not being near my mate. My Cedric.. 

I cried out as I felt his pain too.

"Ced? Baby? Can you hear me?" I cried into our link.

"Sweetie?? Princess? Kay? Are you alright?" I tried not to let the anguish take over me as I felt his need.

"I'm healing faster, but please, come... I'm scared..." I was silently crying now.

All I wanted this moments were him and his comfort. Nothing else. I wanted to feel the protection of his arms surrounding me. I wanted him to soothe me with sweet words in my ear. I wanted him to stoke my hair and back. I wanted him with me..

"Shh, shh, sweetheart, kitten, I'm going to get you..." that was the last thing I could hear before I was pinched with something and a cold liquid started invading my system.

I could not longer hear him.

-What have you done??!!- I shrieked in terror and despair.

King Darrian seemed amused by my reaction.

-I've blocked your link, you can talk to your wolf, but you can no longer communicate with your pack. Don't worry, kitten, soon it will all be over.- he said as he caressed my cheek with the back of his fingers.

I jerked my head away and snarled viciously at him.

-Yes, it will all be over, for you!!- I screamed.

He continued to remain calm.

-I won't allow my mate to talk me in that way, you better behave if you don't want to be punished!- I took a step back as I understood what he meant.

He thought we were mates. He truly believed that!! 

-We are not mates.- I stated simply and flatly.

-Kaylie, of course we are, you belong rightfully to me!!- he signaled his chest with a finger.

-No, I don't, I belong to Cedric, as he belongs to me, he is my true mate. You should wait to find yours too.

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