Chapter 33- Rising

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Kaylie's POV

I sighed in content while we walked back. Everything was going back to normal, everything would be alright now.

Cedric´s hand squeezed lightly mine, making me turn to look at him, with a smile in my face.

His look took my breath away. He was looking at me with utter adoration, as if I were the most precious gift to him in the world. The sparkle in his eyes was one I had only seen two times before. When we met and when we completed the mating process.

Pure love.

Then, I felt a small tingling through my body and I watched in fascination as my whole-form clothes disappeared, to leave me in my combat suit again.

I gasped as I checked my hands and arms.

Just the small tattoo on my hand remained as the symbol of my blood-line.

-Guess it will only come to me when I need it.- I chuckled.

-Good, because you looked way too desirable in that clothing.- he growled playfully while hiding his face in my neck.

"Seems like you know more about this..." I spoke to my wolf, who seemed to be thinking. 

"I do, but it will be best if only I know until the next time..." I froze and relaxed immediately, not wanting to alarm Cedric.

"Next time? What do you mean with that?" I was panicking now.

"Kaylie, we wolves sense some things that our human forms can't. I just know this is not over yet."

I stayed silent the rest of the way, making sure I didn't show any sign of worry.

"But... Darrian was regretful, and he is dead now..." I tried finding anything that would provoke another problem.

Thinking about it, this wasn't much of a big problem. There weren't big loses...

"That's why, Kaylie, I can't tell exactly what the next thing will be, I just sense this isn't our only troublemaker. There is something far greater than this little event. Not even I can make out the details."

Just great.

I tried not thinking about it. We would face whatever fate brought to us. Cedric and I. 

Suddenly, I remembered what winning this war meant, just as we stepped into the clearing and gardens in front of the castle, Our castle.

A wave of cheers and aclamations was heard, along with some howls of victory and joy. Everything was a whole deal of happiness and overwhelming sentimentalism.

A smile formed on my lips.

-Long live the King and Queen!! Long live the Supreme Alpha and Luna!!- everyone bowed at one moment. Taking my breath away, the view I had was impetuous. Even the once rogues bowed to us. I noticed as a small glow appeared in each one of them, and from the nearer wolves to us, I recognized the new symbol of our pack.

Our pack. 

Cedric and I looked at each other for a second, a new glint in our eyes.

We would lead this pack in the right way, we would make sure it was safe, we would build a new future for us. And when the time called again, my whole-form would come again to help us overcome the obstacles in our races history. 

We were only rising now. This was only the beginning.

I beamed widely at him, who returned the smile and brought me closer to him, caressing my hair and sniffing my hair.

We continued walking thorugh the crowd of wolves as we smiled at them and headed to the throne room.

I gasped lighlty at the neat room.

The walls were covered in white silks, hanging from the ceiling, which had several gold strings across, forming a pattern. The floor was carpeted in a blue color, matching the other designs of the castle. The thrones were rearranged to suit the rest of the elegance of the room. Blue cushions were in place of the white old ones. I also could see that some artists were handpainting some things of them, I made out the new symbol from their sketches, while others were working on a huge one in the center of the carpeted floor.

I felt uneasy, not liking the way my clothes didn't fit such greatness.

Suddenly, I felt someone grab my arm and drag me down the hall.

-Hey!! What the actual...- I stopped my rambling dead in my tracks as I saw the face of Viane stare sternly at me, daring me to continue.

-Viane!!- I wrapped both my arms around her, truly glad to see her again.

-Uh-uh, we are getting you fixed for the Coronation. You are a Queen, you must look like one.- she said in such a serious tone I had to burst out laughing.

-And you had to give me a heart attack because of that??!!- I kept on laughing while she dragged me into my old room.

-Shush it, I made Shawn do the same with Cedric. 

I stared at her, mouth wide open. And started rolling on the carpeted floor, holding my sides from the hysteric laugh, threathening to give me a full six-pack any moment.

-You made what?? You should've recorded that!!!!

Viane huffed, but chuckled at me and then began trying to push me into the bathroom.

-I want you nice and clean when I get back with your Royal gown.- I nodded once, still chuckling as I turned the water once, not registering anything of what was going on.

It wasn't until I was almost done with my bath, and that I was fully relaxed that I realized. And the Goddess be blessed for the sink's support when I fully became aware.

I was turning Queen of the wolf race.



Sweet angels!! I'm truly sorry!!

I'll try and update tomorrow too!

We are almost done!

And you are kind of convincing me to do a sequel...

I just have to say I might be thinking about the whole story behind whole-blooded wolves and such.

What do you think should be the new problem? Ideas for a sequel! 

Comment, vote!! Thanks!!!!

-Stardust xx.

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