Chapter Fifteen - In a blink of an eye-

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The second I stepped inside Natalie’s house – which had its door open for some reason- I wished I’d turn around and chase after Abraham’s car stopping him from leaving me. Natalie was sitting on the ground with Javier, Hare, Blake, two girls I didn’t know and four guys who never met me before nor did I see them.

My mouth dropped open and I squealed angrily,” You said it was a girls’ night!”

The necks turned and I saw Natalie’s face blush as she stared at me and then bit her lip guiltily;” I left him for your girls’ night!” I hissed and stomped my foot like a baby. I saw Javier’s expression tense under my gaze and then he lowered his head. I didn’t mean to stare at him but when I noticed his arm around the girl next to him; I couldn’t help but watch the girl who literally sacrificed herself for his sake.

“I’m so sorry! It just happened!” Natalie excused herself and I threw her a glare before turning around and exiting the house. I looked in both directions hoping his car would pop out at any moment but it wasn’t in sight. I didn’t have his number so I couldn’t call him but I truly wished I could have rung him to ask him to come and spend the rest of the day with me.

Feeling frustrated and a little guilty to prefer hanging out with Abraham rather than stay with my best friends, I reentered the house and sat next to Natalie on the ground and listened to their conversations.

The night passed by quickly since they were hosting a small private party and when it ended and the last one went home, Natalie asked me to go to her room, showed me the place I’ll sleep in and finally tried to gossip about Abraham. I felt annoyed at her so I ignored her requests and kept pressing on the fact that I was too tired to speak or talk and it ended with both of us sleeping like babies.

School was normal; the only different thing about the morning was that when I woke up in the middle of the night, there weren’t any windows that would calm me by looking through them at people going in different directions. I had to sit in the corner with my body huddled and I closed my eyes thinking of happy thoughts and even though it included my best friends and my improving paternal relationship, most of my thoughts revolved around Abraham saying I was beautiful. It haunted my thoughts because I was a normal girl just like any one and I wasn’t mesmerizing but I wasn’t ugly as well since no one is ever ugly. However when you’re called something you believe you’re not, you witness some confusions from your part because you don’t know what to believe. And for him to tell me that, it completely turned my world upside down. With him I truly felt beautiful and honestly myself, I didn’t have to pretend.

In the morning, we went to school by Hare’s car and when he parked his car and the three of us stepped out of it, my tongue dried as it hang from my mouth because I was watching the same scene twice.

Before me was Abraham’s car with him wearing a different shirt but the same worn out jeans and he was sitting indie style on the hood with a cigarette between his fingers, his hair was crazy in all directions though. Not the sexy bed hair look, it was as if he spent all night passing his fingers through it and yet he still aced it.

As if the day was repeating itself Natalie gasped beside me and nudged my side,” again?”

I nodded as I focused on him. He turned his head and caught my eye since he wasn’t wearing his shades today. I smiled and waved like the idiot I am when I’m around him and he waved back at me like pure man as always. He slipped off the hood of the car and walked slowly to where I was stealing the glances of other people from school.

“Hey” he said casually as if this was expected and I found myself just standing frozen at his sight.

“Hey Natalie” he said a while later and then grinned at me,” surprise”

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