Something Strange this way comes

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In the middle of the night Katherine suddenly woke up. She tried falling back to sleep to no prevail, and ended up having an overwhelming feeling to go out for a drink. Keithan was sleep so she didn't bother to wake him, and decided to go alone. She got dressed then sent him a text letting him know where she was going. She called a taxi to take her to a club she found where she would enjoy her night. When she got there she walked around checking everything out, then she sat at the bar.

Bartender: "Hello! What can I get you tonight Ma'am?" He asked.

Katherine: "Can you make me something good and sweet?"

Bartender: "Sure! I got something for ya!"

Katherine: "Thanks!"

Katherine got her drink, and took a sip.

"Umm, this is really good!" She thought to herself smiling.

As she browsed she ended up seeing someone that seemed to be staring at her which made her nervously turn her head right quick, and when she glanced back he was gone. She finished her drink, and went to walk the club. There was a hookah room in the back so she sat with her own just chillin, and enjoying the music. Not too soon after she saw a guy walking over to her, and though she didn't see his face she felt it was the guy from the dance floor and got a little nervous, but since there were people around she didn't panic. The guy sat on the couch next to her as Katherine avoided looking at him; then she glanced to get a look at his face. "What the hell!?" She yelled, and immediately passed out! "Katherine!?" The guy yelled trying to wake her as people started surrounding her to see if she was ok.
"Katherine!" The guy yelled in distraught. "I'm gonna take her outside to get some fresh air!" He shouted as he picked her up, and took her outside, and some who was concerned for her followed him to make sure he did just that. He sat her on the ground then splashed water in her face, and she woke up!

"Angel?!!" She screamed out then started crying in shock, and disbelief.

"How is this possible!? Your dead!"

"Shh.." He said. "You gotta calm down Katherine! Come with me, and I'll tell you everything..."

"I'm not going anywhere with you!" She shouted as someone walked over to them.

Guy: "Everything ok ma'am? Do you know him?

Katherine: "Yes! I mean No, cause he's dead!" She exclaimed.

Guy: "Ma'am I'm just asking if your safe with him?"

Katherine: "No! Not with him, but He's dead! " She yelled.

Guy: "Ok.., I see what going on here. Bad break up or something and he's your ex, and you've obviously had one too many drinks tonight."

Katherine: "No!"

Angel: "Sir, I just called her a taxi, and they're on the way. You can watch her leave as I stay behind if you want. She passed out inside, and I'm just helping her."

Guy: "Okay, I'll do that because it seems your on her hate list, and whatever you did she hasn't forgot, so for her... I'll see her off."

So the guy walked to the side back to where he was, but kept an eye on her like he said.

"What are you doing here, Angel?! Obviously if he can see and talk to you, your not dead so, how are you still alive right now?!"

"Nothing's impossible to one who believes, Katherine. We're True Soulmates." He told her smiling.

"Yea, well wipe that smirk off your face because I haven't forgot anything you did, and I'm not going anywhere with you! I don't even want you around me!"

"Katherine, I'm so sorry for what I did to you and your brother... I know it probably doesn't mean anything now, but I was wrong for taking you! It was selfish of me to keep you locked away like that! If I could do it all over again I would, and would approach a relationship with you the right way... I really messed up... You were my everything, and I became obsessed with you. I was sick..., but I'm not that way anymore...

"Yea, I'll be the judge of that!" Katherine snapped.

"Katherine, can I take you somewhere...?" Angel asked her.

"Hell No! Are you crazy?!" She snapped at him.

"I know you don't trust me, but I'm trying to make things right,.. Please.." He pleaded gazing in her eyes as he did when she fell in love with him."

Katherine: "I can't trust you Angel! I don't even know how your here right now! Is this a dream or something because this is too much!" She said as tears ran down her face.

Angel got close to her. "This is real, and I'm truly sorry and regretful of everything I did... I just want to show you something. Please come..." He begged her. The cab pulled up beside them, and Katherine was deciding what to do as the guy watching over her walked up.

Guy: "Ma'am your cab's here! Are you gonna be ok?" He asked.

Katherine looked at Angel as he stared at her with sad eyes filled with a teary hope of going with her.

"Yes! I'm okay... Thanks for everything! Come on, Angel..., but first pull out your pockets, and take off your shoes and socks so I can make damn sure you don't have another magical Amulet on you!"

Angel did what she asked, and to her surprise he had no Jewelry on him at all.

"Ok, let's go... Where are you taking me?" She asked him.

"You'll love it, Katherine... I promise!" He said as they got in the taxi and drove off.

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