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Finally Keithan made it to Hawaii, then Angel sent a driver to pick him up from the airport. When he made it to the beach house Katherine embraced her little brother with a hug!

"You made it!!! I'm so glad your here, bro!! We're about to turn up!" She said laughing.

Keithan laughed: "Look at you! It's great to see you happy big sis!"

"I've been having the time of my life, bro! This is our beach right now, you feel me! Angel is something special... Him being Alive, and us working through everything that happened; Just seems too good to be true... Ya know!"

"Your telling me, big sis..." Keithan laughed.

"I'm just soo happy bro... This time off made me realize how I've gotta start taking time for myself more, and not just staying in the house working all the time. I completely lost myself..." She said.

"Yea.. I always felt kind of uneasy that I got to live my life how I wanted, and because of an unfortunate situation, yours got shorted... That's why I always pushed you to live, and not worry about me all the time..." Keithan said.

"Yea, I know..., And that's why when Angel asked me to go with him something in me said just follow your heart, that everything would be okay meaning you, bro..." She said.

Keithan started feeling mixed feelings about what he had initially came to do.

"Sis, can you call Angel in here for a minute."

"Look, bro, I don't want any trouble okay! He didn't take me against my will or trap me, nothing, so if your gonna do or say something out of line I'm not getting Angel into what we have going on right now!" She told him.

"No, sis, it's not like that... I have something I have to tell you!" He said. "Just call him in here."

"Alright...." She said then went off to get Angel.
He came in where Keithan was then Keithan said: " What's up man! I just wanted you hear what I'm about to tell Kathy. "

"Alright man, that's fine." Angel told him.

"Well, Kathy, it's clear to me you have no idea what's going on right now!"

"What you mean?" She said.

"Sis, Angel is a spirit!"

Katherine looked at Angel confused.

"What you mean he's a spirit? Can you touch a spirit cause there's nothing spirit like about him to me!" She stated smiling at Angel.

"Sis, your a spirit too!" Keithan told her.

"Bro! I've been around people, and have done many physical things since I've been with Angel! Come on, bro!" She said.

"I believe he's saying your in a spirit realm, love..." Angel said.

"What?! Angel, did you do this to me?!" She snapped.

"No..! I went to the club that night, then I saw you there! I've always knew about the dream and spirit realms, and that Amulet your brother is wearing is a portal to them, but there's other portals, and the universe aligned us together somehow my love..."

The Amulet Soul Necklace 2:  DreamworldOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz