Journey's End

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Chapter 27

The next day was filled with greeting villagers in the town and watching as children performed dances and sang. I smiled and nodded. That night the Duke arranged for an extravagant feast on the castle green. I ended up on Henry's right, sandwiched between him and Elijah, across from Tawny and Elouise.

"Princess, we've enjoyed having you with us," The Duke said, setting his fork and knife down. His wife patted his hand, smiling.

"It's been a real pleasure." The Duchess said, grinning.

"I wish you could make it for my coronation." I said, smiling politely. Elijah rolled his eyes when I replied, glaring slightly as he held his glass up for a waitress to refill. Westlake did not agree with him, and he'd spent the entire visit marching around with his face in a complete scowl.

"We don't like to leave," The Duchess laughed. "The Duke takes his duties very seriously." Elijah nearly choked on his food. I turned to Elouise and Tawny, smiling.

"Maybe the girls would be able to come. It's not a long journey, maybe just for the week or so." I invited, looking between them and their parents.

"Oh," Tawney said, putting her hands on her chest in flattery. "I wish I could, Princess. But I'm arranging the children's celebration on that day." She frowned. "If I had known, I would have had mother or Catherine take over the celebration, but it's far too late to spring a surprise like that on the little ones." I nodded, picking up my wine glass as she continued blabbering on.

"Maybe Elouise would like to go," The Duke said, interrupting his oldest daughter to point out the younger. I turned to the girl, Elijah sinking back the rest of his drink. "You're always talking about how much you would like to see the city..."

"Father," She said, her face turning bright pink yet again. She folded her napkin in her lap, trying to avoid everyone's gaze as she hid behind her glass of water.

"Elouise, you'd certainly be welcome to go." Henry said, making me face him. "It is going to be a lovely affair, there will be Princes and Princess, Dukes and Duchess, people who speak in such tongues it sounds like they are singing every time they speak. I'm sure the palace seamstresses could whip you up a collection..."

"Oh we have plenty of gowns Henry," The Duchess swatted his arm with a big grin on her face. "Elouise, it would be beautiful for you to go, and the Princess wants you there. Tawny has an obligation, but you! You should go, my darling!" A few minutes of conversation later, it was decided that Elouise would accompany us back to the Palace tomorrow morning, and she agreed embarrassedly. Dinner finished, and we were directed to a firework show. I ended up standing near the back, watching as Tawny giggled happily to her little sister, speaking about how amazing the palace would be as her high pitched laugh rose over the murmuring crowd. I rubbed my bare arms as the first rockets shot into the sky, and jumped when I felt a warm jacket being draped over them.

Elijah moved to stand beside me, his hand still on one of my shoulders as he looked down at me, his eyes unreadable. "You know," He began, "You would think you would learn to wear more clothing outside on cool, autumn nights." I stuck my tongue out childishly, making him chuckle. "Maybe you'll learn to stop extending invitations you don't mean." I rolled my eyes, watching Elouise smile for the first time tonight as her sister whispered something in her ear.

"I'm happy my cousin will be joining us," I said defensively, rubbing my arms underneath the thick white jacket that Elijah had worn. He scoffed.

"As happy as I am to see Lord Jordan back at court." He snapped as the high pitched whistle pierced the sky, exploding into a world of color.

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