The Choice

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Chapter 42

The door upstairs was still closed, and the baby was screaming by now. A maid walked by and offered to take him, but I couldn't let her. Elijah was gone, and I had no idea where Micah was; the village was about to go up in flames, the sharp smell of smoke already making its way towards the home in the Western quarter of the village, and Katherine was not in any state to hold her child. Jefferson would never forgive me if something happened to his child, so for now, all I could do was hold the baby and stare into space.

This was hopeless. Soon we'd all have to leave the viceroy's house. Unless the villagers could somehow hold the flames back, this would be the end of my home. I stood abruptly from where I sat, making the soldiers standing in the entry way jump. I walked towards one of them I recognized and glared at him.

"What is the status on the fire?" I demanded, the baby falling silent under my voice as I bounced him gently in my arms.

"I—I don't know your majesty." He stuttered, looking around him at the other men.

"I'm the one talking, sir. So I suggest you look at me." I snapped. I turned to two other men. "You two, check on the fire fighting efforts. I want a full report in five minutes." I spun to two others. "One of you go find the Viceroy; he needs to take responsibility for this. I believe it is in his job description to ensure the safety of this village. You, go find my brothers and sisters, they should be somewhere within the walls. Just ask someone they will know. I want them in a carriage ready to leave at my command. Someone find my father and see if he can get this damn situation under control. Oh, and for goodness sake, someone find where that idiot Elijah has run off to. Last thing I need is for him to get himself killed." They all stared at me with open mouths. "Go!" I said raising my eyebrows and shooing them away. They all scurried, all heading for the door at once. I turned, heading back up the stairs to where my mother and Katherine waited. I paused, looking at two of them who remained looking slightly mystified.

"Why are you still here?" I demanded.

"For your protection, Majesty. All of the other positions have been filled." I opened my mouth, but just nodded instead.

"Very well, carry on." I stomped up the stairs, holding my skirt in one hand and the baby in my other arm. I opened the door to find the midwife leaning over Katherine, and all of the other women staring in horror. "No." I whispered, taking a step back as I saw her.

"There was nothing we could do, Cora," My mother whispered, walking forward to grab my arm. "We just couldn't stop the bleeding." Tears sprung to my eyes as I stared at her lifeless form, a hand still stretched out for the baby she would never get to see grow into a man. I nodded as I blinked them away, one escaping in a long streak down my face. I turned to my mother.

"I've sent for the girls and Morris. I'm about to order the evacuation of the village if this fire is not controlled. They are going to the capital to wait. Here," I offered her the baby as she looked at me with a worried crease in between her eyebrows. My face was cold and hard as I began to plan the next steps. Katherine was dead, but the village was on fire. And most importantly, Jordan was out there, searching for me. I had to push feelings aside. My mother took Katherine's son.

"Do not let him out of your sight." I said, grabbing her arm. I turned and walked out of the room, heading to one of the guards. "You defend that child as if he was your Prince. Do you understand me?" I said seriously. "If he has some much as a scratch I will have your head on a pike."

"To my last breath, my lady," He said, clutching his hilt with one hand as he pushed past me to stand at the top of the stairs. The second guard took his place at the bottom in the same position. I pushed past him and walked towards the exit. The second guard called after me.

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