The Eve of the Coronation

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Chapter 28

"Ow..." I said as Marie yanked the strings of my corset. "OW!" I said as she pulled them more tightly.

"Oh stop being a baby!" She said, tying them too tightly for my liking. "Good lord, what did they do in Westlake, teach you how to do nothing but whine?" I looked at her back in confusion as she stomped out the room. Helena just shook her head, stepping forward with the first of the many layers of the dress Marie had designed for the opening banquet tonight. It would be held in the south dining hall, which opened to the gardens. There would be a small reception before, followed by dancing in the Southern gardens, which had been draped in white chiffon fabrics with twinkling lights throughout the trees and flowers.

"What has died in her?" I asked as she started to tie on the white petticoat. When the parade had finished at the grand promenade, Josephine had led me through the richly decorated hallways of the palace, pasted the rows and rows of people I didn't recognize, all the way to my chambers. She'd given me the itinerary for tonight and the rest of the week. Then I had been sent to the bath like a child. I hadn't had time to speak to Elijah or Fitzgerald yet, or really speak to any of my ladies about what had occurred over the last eight days. "She was fine this morning." I said.

"Well," Helena said, "All I know is she spoke to Fitzgerald as soon as she got back, but she was fine when she got back, or I thought she was." Willow came forward as Helena motioned for me to hold my arms out to lace up the top, holding a golden chain with robin's egg blue stones with clusters of diamonds. I knew it would probably be a part of the elaborate hairstyle she would create.

"Well don't you look fancy," I recognized Fitz's condescending drawl anywhere. He walked into the dressing room, followed by a red-faced Elouise and an even more annoyed Josephine.

"You can't just be in here!" Josephine snapped. I rolled my eyes as Helena finished lacing my dress.

"Josephine, I'm clothed." I said, "Can he please stay? I have to get my fill of the court's drama from someone." I begged. She pursed her lips before nodding once.

"But you," She pointed her thin finger at him, "Stay over there." He smiled, and saluted her, plopping ungracefully into a chair as Willow ushered me to a vanity on the opposite side of the room, beginning to braid and knot my curly hair up. I could only see Fitz's reflection as he leaned back in the spindly chair.

"How's my favorite Princess?" He asked. "I supposed Westlake was an adventure of stupendous proportions?"

"It was strange," I said. "Elijah was right; the people are quite different. I had a wonderful time though. Brought home another cousin, so it could've gone worse." He laughed. "Tell me about the court drama." He launched into a huge spill about how my obnoxious cousin had left the palace without any fanfare. Harriet had been exceptionally dramatic, making snide remarks about everything from my dress to my hair to my manners to inquiring about my love life, or my lack thereof. I laughed when he stood, imitating her prancing through the gardens making Willow laugh happily. I rolled my eyes.

"Willow," I said, "Will you give us a moment." She nodded as she pinned the last curl into place. Fitzgerald and I followed her with our eyes as the door shut behind her. "What have you done to piss off the woman who is orchestrating this whole affair?" I snapped.

"Who? Josephine? Well barging in here without caring if you were fully clothed or..." I glared, standing up from my chair. "Oh... you must mean Marie."

"Yes I mean Marie!" I exclaimed, standing in front of the display of jewels in front of me, picking out a silver and pearl locket, opening it to see a portrait of my mother.

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