Chapter 26: ***Show Some Serious School Spirit at a Football Game***

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This chapter is dedicated to kaitypie90 who has won a contest I had on my Facebook page. Check out her story "The Oasis" - it's an adventure and fantasy story, creating a wonderful world of witches! I've read it; you won't regret it. :D

Chapter 26

Showing school spirit doesn’t come cheap. And it takes up a lot of preparation time. We had spent every spare minute of the last few days planning and organizing everything for the big game.

First, we wrote a list of things we could do to show the Lions and the rest of the free world that we were uber-dedicated supporters of the Jefferson High football team. We wrote a pretty long to-do list. Only because lists are always helpful to keep things organized; not because I am a list freak, as Aaron suggested. He and Brian had promised to come to the game with us, but they outright refused to take part in the prep phase.

So it was only us girls baking cookies under the watchful eyes of Dinah’s mother who actually knew how to bake. Her mom is a genius with everything sugar- and oven-related. It’s quite astonishing that neither she nor the rest of her family looks like cookie-addicted baby hippos. Dinah’s mom has a huge collection of cookie cutters and, lucky for us, she even had one shaped like a lion. She also had another great idea.

Dinah had called her aunt Sharon, her mom’s sister, who lives in Manhattan. Sharon’s boyfriend has a deli shop which is specialized in importing confectionery and candy from overseas. Can I just say that Europe has an amazing variety of candy? So good! Anyway, Dinah got her aunt to mail her a special delivery of a box of chocolate bars called Lion. Genius? I think so!

Em convinced her dad to lend us some of his Boston Red Sox foam fingers. He had attended college in Boston and is a huge fan. Whenever he goes to one of their games, he buys a new foam finger. He claims that it helps him to keep track of exactly how many games he watched them play. Personally, I think the truth is that he just keeps forgetting to take one with him when he goes to the stadium. He tends to forget things. A lot. I guess Emma’s got her tiny scatterbrainedness from him. Thankfully, he didn’t live in Boston any longer, or otherwise their whole house would be filled up with Red Sox paraphernalia.

And yes, we were very well aware of the fact that the Boston Red Sox are a baseball team. But their colors are red and white which just happen to be our school colors. The Red Sox logo could easily be covered up with one of our Lions. Actually, I was quite surprised that our football team didn’t have their own foam fingers already.

Between classes, Dinah ambushed one jock after the other and took a portrait photo. We needed them for game day. She also took a trip to the art supply store to buy face paint as well as some other things for our big surprise.

Emma organized red and white balloons, a helium tank and a yellow car cover. I burned some CDs featuring a remix of our football team’s fight song The Lion Sleeps Tonight. Not much of a fight song, if you ask me. It’s not very intimidating when you basically tell your rivals that you’re asleep. But whatever. Maybe it was the only song with ‘Lion’ in the title they had been able to find. Oh, and I was also the one responsible of getting confetti and silly string in red and white.

Finally, the big day had arrived. Game day.

It wasn’t just an ordinary game, either. No, our Lions were going to face their arch enemies: the Hillside High Penguins. That’s why the whole school was buzzing with excitement. Everyone could only talk about one thing: the big game. Last time, the Penguins had won. It was payback time.

Dinah, Emma and I were all dressed in red and white for school, something we had never bothered to do before. We took it very seriously. Not only our visible clothes were sporting our school colors, but everything else as well, like socks, underwear, shoes and accessories such as hairclips. As soon as we saw one of the jocks in the morning before classes, we started chanting: “Go Lions!” TJ looked at us if we had just escaped the loony bin; he was that surprised by our sudden display of high-spirited support. Or maybe he simply has sensitive hearing. After all, we did basically yell it in his ear.

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