Chapter Twenty Four - Until we walk together hand in hand

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Chapter Twenty Four - Until we walk together hand in hand

I walked away from Blaise chanting in my head ‘Please follow me, Blaise. Please follow me.’ I turned around the corner feeling deflated at not hearing him. This is not how I’ve planned the things. But it’s not his fault. He doesn’t even know what I’m doing. But he will figure out.

“BERYL!” He shouted and I stopped momentarily with a smile on my lips. He followed me. His footsteps sounded and I continued to walk.

“Beryl,” his voice was nearer than before. I turned to look at him jogging towards me. His eyes were on my face and I smiled at him. He seemed surprised by my smile. I turned back and started running towards the school’s parking lot.

I have Chemistry class. I’m leaving my favorite class for him. It better be worth it. I stopped near my car and as expected the place was almost empty. Only a few students were at the far corner.

“Beryl,” he came to a stop few feet away from me. “Let me explain.” I turned to face him.

“That was not you.” I said drily and he frowned.


I rolled my eyes and showed him my phone. The picture was still there.  “This boy is not you.” I pointed for emphasis.

“I know it’s not me. I thought that you thought it was me so I came here to explain.”

“You were with me on 1st and 2nd of December. This was posted yesterday. There’s no way it was you unless,” I looked at him sternly, “it was taken before these two days.”

“What?!” His eyes were wide. “No! I’ve never been with any girl like that. Believe me.”

I smiled at him. Why did that revelation make me feel so better?

“I know it’s not you. Look at the calendar on the wall. The month reads December 2015. You were with me on first two dates of month. There’s no way this is you except if you can exist at two different places at same time which is impossible. So it concludes that this is not you.” I refrained from looking at the guy in his boxers on the calendar. He had eight packs for crying out loud.

Blaise stared at me blankly. His mouth was parted and eyes were slightly wide. “Wow, you are smart.” He said finally.

I smirked at him. “Thank you. Now, where’s your phone?”

“I don’t know. I still don’t have it. I searched for it all over the house but it’s nowhere to be found.” He replied.

“You should find it soon. Until then I’m going to act like I’m angry at you. Like I believe you played a part in it.” I explained and he seemed confused before understanding. “And tell your friends that your phone is lost. Someone is playing pranks on you. Or is it some jealous girl trying to mark you as hers?”

“Would you be angry?” He asked and I frowned at him. “If it had actually been me? If I was playing around?”

“What do you think?”

“I asked you first.”

“And I’m not going to answer you. When you receive your phone, inspect it or keep it away from yourself. Something is going on here and I think you have an idea about it.” I narrowed my eyes at him and his face turned blank. He was putting on that poker face. He was hiding something.

I let out a frustrated sigh. “We are talking about it sometime later. Call me from any other phone. Don’t use that stolen gadget again if you find it. Though I think that you will find it.” I said hurriedly and let him absorb my words. He nodded telling me that he understood what I was talking about. Blaise was a smart boy. I reluctantly agree, smarter than me. He hadn’t even let me know that he knew something.

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