Extra - I

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In which she helps out in library

"I don't think I'm interested in taking a part in the play." I told Nick politely as he was pestering me to take part in a play. I am an introverted shy girl. There is no way I can perform in front of so many people. I will die of embarrassment at the spot. My heart will not be able to take it.

"Why not? You are perfect for the role of Snow White with your white skin." His hand reached to caress my cheek. Just when it made a slight contact, I stepped back, not forgetting to slap his hand away, a little too hardly.

"Such a violent girl," he muttered under his breath.

"And what role are you playing? The evil step mother?" I teased, in rather flat voice. I absolutely don't like it when he touches me. He knows that and still he bothers me so much.

"Nah, I'm the prince." He sounded proud.

I scoffed. "I'm never going to play any role in this play then."

"Why not?" He stopped my way as I tried to walk past him.

"I'm not interested." I told him once again. "Not interested. Not interested. Not interested. Not interested. Not interested. No-,"

"Okay, geez. I get it! I get it!" He said in resignation as I was chanting that while ignoring him completely.

"Good then," I walked away from him.

Recently, Nick has been around me way too much. He is always finding ways to steer me away from Blaise. I never knew he was so obsessed with Blaise. I know he only cares about his friend and doesn't want me to 'break Blaise' heart' but his constant teasing is getting annoying.

"You are in a sour mood today," Jessica commented when I ran into her in the hallway.

"Nick is really annoying me. First he asked me join a band. Then he asked me to join him in the 'popular' table. He even asked me to be third wheel on his date with some girl. I don't understand what that guy is even thinking. Sometimes I want to strangle him." I ranted while squeezing my books hard.

"He is trying to make you fall for him." She told him.

I rolled my eyes. "I know. He is testing me. After all I used to crush on him. My heart may waver. It's better to get rid of the cheating girl before the boyfriend gets too involved. That's what he is thinking, right?"

"Most probably." She nodded.

"That boy is so stupid. Who uses these methods now? They've already been used all over those books so many times. This cliché thing is easily detectable. Why doesn't he understand that I already know?!"

"That's Nick for you. He isn't very smart when it comes to girls."

"He is dumb as hell. Where are you going anyway?" It was better not to talk about that stupid boy anymore.

"Library. Josh told me that him and Blaise are in the library, volunteering." She giggled and I joined her.

"I bet the librarian made them to volunteer. It's good for them but that lady doesn't know someone needs rest too. She sucks out the life out of students and turns them into zombies."

"Yep. That's why I'm going to help them out before they turn into zombies. Wonder how will it feel like to kiss a zombie."

"Try it out later." I winked at her. Her face turned red. It made me laugh. It's funny how she blushes so easily.

"Shut up, Beryl." She slapped me on the arm.

"Ouch!" I rubbed the spot even though it didn't hurt much.

The Best Friend of My Crushحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن