Chapter Twenty Six - I was a stupid prey walking towards the predator

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Chapter twenty Six - I was a stupid prey walking towards the predator.

I stared at the ceiling of my room. My one hand was tucked under my head and other hand was on my stomach. I might look a girl who has no care of the world. Completely relaxed.

“Do you need something more, your highness?” A voice penetrated the silence of the room. I didn’t need to look at Garry. He placed a tray with delicious aroma of chicken soup on bedside table.

I waved my hand dismissing him. He might have not liked my nonchalant act. The next thing I knew was being hit on the face with soft pillow. When I looked at Garry, he was already glaring at me.

“That was rude. I’m throwing you in dungeons. Guards! Take him away.” I continued my high and mighty act.

“Did you hit your head too hard?” He asked with an irritated voice and threw another pillow on my face. What the heck? Was he armed with pillows?

“Don’t disrespect me!”

He gave me a look of disbelief. “You have any respect?”

My mouth hung open at his words. I let out a tortured whimper and faced away from him. I curled into a ball and whined like a puppy. I was being dramatic. But I needed a distraction from my messed up brain. The moment I see Blaise I’m going to punch him in the face. This is all because of him. I fainted in school because of that boy. That has never happened to me in school before. It was embarrassing. And I don’t even know what happened. I fainted, woke up in nurse’s office. Then Garry was there to take care of me.

During all this time Blaise was nowhere to be seen. Great friend he was. And he wants to be more than a friend. Isn’t the boy a bit too much reliable? Note the sarcasm.

Shut up Beryl. The voice of reason inside me chided. He might be in bigger trouble than you are.

That made me think what he was actually doing. Did that red head witch drug him again?

My eyes shot open and widened. I stared back into a pair of dark eyes. Taken by surprise, I squeaked and jumped away. Garry sat kneeled by the side of my bed looking confused and concerned. I was so consumed in thoughts of Blaise that I forgot Garry was inside my room.

“Beryl? Are you alright? What did those kids do to you?” He stood up and came in front of me. He shook my shoulder a little too violently that made my head spin.

“Garry, stop…” I slurred. When he didn’t, I shoved him away.

“What has happened to you?” He asked when he regained his balance.

“I’m very much confused right now. I need to talk to Blaise.” I pressed my fist to my temple and squeezed my eyes shut.

“That boy!” He groaned. “He is playing with your feelings, is he not? Yeah, I know. That’s what these boys do. They look for innocent girls, make them fall for them, play with them and leave them shattered. That good for nothing crap. I should kill him.”

Garry was bouncing at his place. He was ready to fight. But with lanky figure and close to zero fighting skills, he had no chance against Blaise.

“Garry, cool down.” I raised my hands and lowered them down slowly. His body slowly relaxed. “Blaise didn’t do anything like that. He is not messing with my feelings.” More with my mind.

He narrowed his eyes at me. I see a lot of similarities between Garry and Dan. The only two boys of my age I talked to before the start of junior year. One my neighbor and other my cousin. Both slightly crazy. What does that make me?

The Best Friend of My CrushOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora