Chapter-4 The complication

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Hi kittens, enjoying this part? Please hang in there the next chapter is coming soon ;)
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Thank you as always❤️

I woke up with a heavy headache.
I have this feeling like somebody is digging a nail in my head.
It hurts like shit...!
What happened last night flashes back in my mind. I turned my head to my side and saw the man that I sleep with, still sleeping peacefully while his hand is still wrapped around my waist.
A smile formed on my lips.
Last night was the best night ever... It's a wonderful memory that I will keep in my heart.
I don't even feel a hint of regret for what I did.
I know it's strange that I give myself away to a stranger, but surprisingly everything that happens feels right.
But now it's time for me to wake up and face reality.
What happens is just a one-night stand for him.
I felt a pang of hurt considering what he might think about me and what happened between us.
It felt more hurt than knowing my ex-boyfriend cheated and made a bet on me...
My strand of thought was interrupted when I heard the familiar sound of a vibrating phone, which I know is mine.
I slowly lifted his arm and slid out of the bed...
I quickly grabbed my phone on the ground and was shocked to see on the screen, over 30 missed calls, and twenty messages coming from Zoe. When I look at the time, I gasp seeing it was already 4:00 a.m.
Ohh god.,
Zoe might be in a panic now.
I need to leave, I don't wanna stay and wait for him to wake up.
I  grab my clothes from the ground and put them on.
Before I left I glanced back at him for one last time and did one more crazy thing.
I know I won't see him again so I took a photo frame of him that was situated on the side table.
I'll keep it as a memoir that I will cherish in my heart.
I slowly opened the door and went outside of his room.
But after stepping outside I have this urge feeling already, while walking in the hallway of what I think is a hotel, that I need to go back there and be with him but I brush that thought away.
I can't be naive and make myself stupid...
After finally getting out of that five-star hotel...
That shocks me too. I know now that the mysterious guy I met last night is not an ordinary guy.
First, he drove the latest BMW car and then he stayed in an expensive suit.
He's a damn rich guy for sure.
I guess he won't even bother to look for me when he realizes that I'm gone from his room.
Two months and a half later..
I wake up first thing in the morning with a sickening feeling in my stomach.
I quickly ran to my in-suit bathroom, fuming out the disgusting fluid in my mouth.
I was having this sickness for a week already and didn't tell anyone even my best friend.
After explaining to her that I was so drunk that night that I went home quickly...
Which is a lie. I'm only lucky that before she went home I was already in her room sleeping.
My life continues like nothing happened.
I broke up with my boyfriend and warned him to stay out of my life if he didn't want us to tell him what he did on the campus.
After that, he never shows up and bothers me anymore.
I continue my studies, and once in a while I think and dream of that mysterious guy.
After fuming out everything in my stomach, I feel exhausted. I don't understand what is happening to me.
Then a sudden realization hit me when I looked at my calendar.
I haven't had my monthly period since last month which is not normal because I have never once been delayed before.
I felt my heart beat faster and my knees went jelly.
No..! This can't be..!
Ohh god..!
I can't be pregnant!
I'm not ready yet to have a baby..!
God, Please help me...Panic rushes through me.
I went out of the bathroom and reached for my phone. I dialed Zoe's number, Two rings and she picked it up.
"Hello...Alec? argh..! Don't you know it's only seven o'clock in the morning?" She complained to me.
" me. I think I'm in big trouble..." I said to her nervously ignoring her complaints.
"Huh...!What happened...! Don't move, I'm going there right now..." she said, waking up from her sleepy voice.
I quickly stopped her.
"No..! Stay there Zoe, let's meet outside after fifteen minutes.
Our parents are still asleep. We can't make too much commotion in the house.."I explained to her.
" it. see you after fifteen minutes Alec" she said to me before cutting off the line...
I took a deep breath and sighed.
I headed back to the bathroom and took a shower. After fifteen minutes I saw Zoe waiting outside their house wearing a black hoodie jacket and faded jeans. Her face is a bit swollen from sleeping.
She waves at me after seeing me walking towards her.
"Hey..what's the problem?" She asked while we were walking to the nearest cafeteria on our street.
"I'm not yet sure but I think I'm pregnant.." I said to her, making her stop on track with her mouth open and widened eyes.
"What the fuck..!"
"How did this happen?!"
"I was with you all the time. I never saw you with somebody else...wait a minute...huh!" she screamed...remembering the night I disappeared into the disco. I have to cover her mouth with my hands to stop her.
"Are you crazy...?!
"People are looking at us..!" She quickly snatches out my hands and grabs me inside the cafeteria.
She ordered a coffee while I had the feeling of drinking iced coffee with caramel and lots of cream with a matching tiramisu cake.
I saw her roll her eyes as I ate so hungrily and ordered one more cake.
"I think you are in big trouble..." she said, stopping my hands mid-way.
"Whose the fucking guy that did this to you ?! Do I know him?, just tell me who and I'm gonna beat the shit out of him.." She said angrily before letting my hand go, I quickly eat finish my cake before answering her.
"Zoe.., I'm so sorry that I lied to you the day that we went to the Disco.
I... Ahh... I sleep with the guy that helps me when some maniac attacks me back there. "I said to her without looking into her eyes I felt a little bit ashamed not for what I did, but because I made up a story and lied to her that day.
I told her everything and said where that stranger brought me in.
She said to me that if he's living on the higher floor and has a big suite then that means he's staying there for good...
That day we went back to the five-star hotel where he stays.
We asked the receptionist if we could go upstairs but they didn't allow us... She tried to call the number from his room but no one answered.  I asked her what the name of the guy leaving in the suite but she denied access to that information stating it's not allowed to share the information of their customer.
With dismay I asked the lady if it was possible to leave a note for him which she accepted.
I wrote him a small letter telling him if we can talk and left my mobile number.
Hoping for the best, I waited and waited for him until months pass by in a blur.
One day while  I'm looking at some magazine I find out that the guy I sleep with and the father of my unborn child is not just an ordinary guy but a billionaire.
For god sake....!
Why didn't I notice that?!
It's maybe the reason why he never even once contacted me.
I'm just a lowly person, a slut who slept with him that easy! Of course he won't even bother to call me back?!
it's just a one-night stand for him.
I felt bitter and my heart was heavy.
To be honest,  this is more hurtful than what Harris did to me.
Ohh Come on Alec...!
Be strong...!
I console myself, I think it's for the best that it ends up like this.
Who knows what he might want or do to me knowing I have his child growing in my belly.
My stomach is a bit obvious now as I'm in my fourth month of pregnancy.
My parents went hysterical when they found out that I'm pregnant and demanded I abort the baby because it's gonna stop me from achieving my dream.
I refused that idea and didn't allow it to happen.
I told them that I don't have the heart to kill an innocent child in my womb just to have my dreams.
Things didn't go smoothly with me and my parents so I decided to move away and stay in Zoe's house for a while.
It's a burden to stay there but I don't have a choice...
I only know this place and the place of my old maid auntie, living in Missouri
Which is a twelve-hour drive from here in Texas.
Remembering her, I quickly typed her number and called.
I asked her if I could stay with her and help her with her small cafeteria which she quickly answered with a yes...
She was so happy that she won't be alone anymore.
After deciding and saying goodbye to my best friend.
I traveled and lived with my auntie until I gave birth...

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