I Broke Her

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Chapter 1 - I Broke Her


"Where's your girlfriend?" Dave asked as he plopped on the chair of the dining table while Logan stood in his monstrosity of a kitchen and cooked breakfast for them.

Logan turned towards him with a ladle in one hand.

"She's my fiancée."


With an eye roll, Logan turned his back his attention to the pancakes sizzling on the pan on the stove.

"So where is she?"

"She's in her office. "

"Another upcoming show?" Dave asked.

"Nope. Checking on her dress."

"She made her own dress?" Dave asked

"Yes she did."

Dave nodded and then glanced at Logan.

Should he?

No he shouldn't. Not today at least

Clearing his throat so as to catch Logan's attention he asked, "When are you people marrying? "

Logan turned and glared at him.
"Three days from now." He grumbled

Dave choked down on the coffee he had been sipping and thumped his fist on his chest, coughing.

"Three ... days is too... fast." He coughed between words.

"We have been planning for a year."

"Has it been that long?" Dave wondered aloud.

"Yes. It has."

Three days. He would see her in three days. And never again after that.

I think I should ask.

"Umm... How is everyone?"

Logan turned his attention back to the pan .

"Why don't you be direct, Dave?" Logan said in a gruff voice. "Do you want to know how everyone's doing? Or do you want to know about Tess?"

"When you know who I am asking about, why bother to ask me?"

"Because you're in no position to ask her or anything about her after what you did to her last year."

Dave sighed.

"Lexi has sworn to kill you." Logan continued.

"Should I get a restraining order against her?" He joked

Logan didn't laugh.

"What happened to you?"

"You broke Tessa. And that affects me."

"How -"

"Everything had been fine until Tessa decided she wanted to be with you. Foolish of her, wasn't it? We warned. I warned you. I warned you not to do anything that would hurt her. Lexi's been distant. Tessa hasn't been coming to meet Lexi. And she's getting frustrated. Just yesterday I had to assure my woman to not call off the wedding."


Dave hadn't known it would be this bad. He needed to meet Tess.

But to meet Tess, he really would have to get a restraining order against Lexi. And this time he wasn't kidding.

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