Loosen Up

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Chapter 2 - Loosen Up


"Look, Mr. McCarthy, this is an easy out I am giving you." Tessa said to the old, lean man sitting in front of her.

The look McCarthy had on his face told Tessa that she almost had him

"I don't think you'll be able to score more than this."

Cain McCarthy looked over the file that Tess had slid over. 3 million was  less than what her client had asked for but if Cain decided to take this over to the court rather than settle this here, Tess was going to lose.

But she was known to win the unwinnable cases. And this was nothing compared to what she acquired within the last six months. The Anderson case had brought her fame and more clients than she could handle.

Cain's lawyer didn't know that Tessa had no evidence of any kind against them. All she knew was her client had been injured by while working and she was supposed to get the compensation when Cain had denied it saying there hadn't been any proof against any such claim. Lara, the client, was at work when a beam fell on her. She had tried to jump away, but somehow her legs got caught and she lost them.

And truly there was no evidence against such claim.

But Tessa had surveyed the area where her client said the accident had occurred.

She had checked over and over and she had seen that there were changes. As if somebody had cleaned up pretty well after that. The beam was set back. No evidence of any kind of accident.

And why a new beam was set up,  wouldn't be considered as an evidence in court.

Tessa knew a little confidence and a bit of arrogance would have Cain signing the papers.

And now was the time for the final nail. "The amount would triple if you take this to the court and lose."

Cain's eyes betrayed what he didn't express. He was going to sign this. His mind was set.

"Mr. McCarthy.  Do not sign it"  Cain's lawyer pleaded as he too noticed the same.

Cain's features morphed into an angry one. Fingers curled in a tight fist, a frown marring his forehead, lips opened in a snarl, he whirled towards the lawyer, " I am not going to pay almost a hundred million dollars for that stupid girl. I'll rather sign this."

And with that, the man signed the papers and stomped out of the conference room. The lawyer sighed, got up and shook hands with Tess. 

Once the lawyer left, Tessa turned to Kyle, her client's brother.

He shook hands with her thanking for all she did for his sister.

Tessa nodded and smiled, " Take care. For now she just needs your support."

"I wouldn't have been able to be that support for her if you hadn't helped us with the monetary one."

Tessa smiled. "It was less than what I wanted her to get. But if I would've pushed for more, then he would've taken this to court and we would've lost it."

With a sigh she continued, " Don't worry. I'll drop by sometime."

"Send me the -"

"Oh shut up Ky. Things might have been awkward between us when we broke up but you were there when I needed you."

She smiled, "Though I would like to be invited to dinner when you cook that apple pie."

Kyle chuckled, "Thank God mom left me a cookbook with all her recipes. I wouldn't have been able to go through college on Chinese takeout."

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