Lucky Son Of A Bitch

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Chapter 15 - Lucky Son Of A Bitch


Something told Dave that his timing was really bad. And his luck was even worse.

He had caught the last part of their conversation and he didn't think anything could be wrong. But one look at Tess and he wanted to run out from there.

It didn't matter that Zach didn't know about their relationship. That was something he wanted to keep to himself.

A year ago when they were dating, they didn't talk much. Tess spent too much time with Lexi. And the rest of the time she spent talking about Lexi. Dave needed a vacation at that time and he didn't think it necessary to tell Tess about every part of his life.

But the week before he left, had been pretty intense for both of them and he hated feeling those emotions. He didn't want to end up like his father. Affection for Tess would lead to marriage which would break in a matter of months. He wasn't sure if his feelings for her would last. Wasn't much sure about them as a couple.

So yes, Dave had tucked his tail between his legs and ran away from there. It was easier than ending up like his father.

But now even after one year staying away from her had him believing that he could make it work with her.

He just had to convince her that she loved him and not Daniel, that he could be her guy.

And yeah, also that whatever he had said to her, he had no memory of that. And that it was just a drunken blabber.

Easy Peasy.

Sighing he sat down on his chair and avoided looking at Tess as he rounded up on Zach.


"So." Zach mimicked

"What are you doing here?"

"The prosecutor called me here."

Dave looked at Tess questioningly who shrugged.

"They think they could get me talking against you. Who knew our cover story works." Zach said, his tone laced with amusement as he leaned back, hands laced behind his head.

"What cover story?"

"Back in Australia, I needed privacy to practice there. So we supplied a story where Zach bought the company and threw me out. According to the story, Zach and I are archenemies."

"And that worked?" She asked, an amused smile on her face.

"Who knew, huh?" Zach repeated and Dave glared at him.

"So. What happened there?" Tess asked, back to being her professional self.

"They asked me a few questions. As to what Dave was like a person. Was he sloppy in his work. Why the vacation last year. Why he left the job?-"

"How the hell do they know about all of this?" Cutting mid-sentence, he said through gritted teeth.

"Background check." Tess said nonchalantly.

"Why didn't we do one?" He zeroed on Tess

"Thanks for thinking so lowly of me." Tess rolled her eyes.

"You did."

She nodded, "Ofcourse. I did it the moment they left from my office. Got every single dirt a day before you came to me."

To say Dave was impressed was an understatement.

"Now back to you, mister." She turned to his best friend.

"Where was I? Oh yeah. I answered as vaguely as I could. Just some 'I haven't seen him for so long' and 'I don't care about the bastard.' "

"Thanks for the compliment." Dave said dryly.

"No problem." And the asshole flashed a smile at him.

"That's good. But I'd like it if you go back and not linger around." Tess said. "You want to keep your story covered. I'd say return home in an hour or so. Just keep in touch."

"How about I agree to work with them and help you with the information.?"

"As much as I would like that, I have ethics." She said straight faced and then an evil grin spread on her face. "Oh who am I kidding, of course I could do that. But I'm not gonna do that. You have your own life. I don't care how close you two are, I'm not gonna pull your name as well as mine into the dirt. I got everything with me right here." Patting the suitcase on her lap she smiled cheekily.

"It could help us." Dave replied.

"Nah. I'll handle it. Plus I get real side cash." She shrugged.

Zach barked out a laugh. "Damn woman, aren't you a little sinister."

She snorted. "Trust me. This is nothing. I can do a lot more than this." Clearing her throat she sobered up as if remembering that she needed to be professional.

Fishing out her card she handed it to Zach.

"You wanna sit in for this?" Tess asked Zach

"Yes. But I do have to leave."

"We'll make this quick."

For the next half hour Dave narrated everything in detail.

"Don't leave anything out." Tess had told him. And he hadn't.

"Aren't ya a lucky son of a bitch? So many good things happen all at once" Zach said dryly.

"Don't I know it?" Dave muttered

"Is there anything else you'd like to tell me?"

"There's nothing else to say."

"Anything that can question your character as a doctor. Anything that can cause you to lose your license."

Zach opened his mouth to answer but Dave cut him off. He didn't think what  happened in Australia mattered here. Also, what happened back there wouldn't be used against him.

"No. I don't think there is."

He felt Zach's glare on him but he ignored it.

"Okay. So. You." She pointed a pen at Dave. "Don't talk to anybody about this. Don't let this affect anything. Do what you do without any stress. I'll handle it from here."

Dave nodded.

Tess stood up. But before she left she turned her questioning eyes on Dave.

"Are you sure there is nothing you're hiding from me?"

"No." Dave said quickly. A little too quickly.

"Okay. I came here to talk about thinking of negotiating with them. But if they have started asking questions about you and going for people against you, I guess they want to take it to court. Let's hope the judge is somebody who I've managed to not piss off. " She said and left.

"What did she just say?" Dave scowled at the door.

"I love the woman." Zach said and Dave snapped his head toward Zach a little too fast.


"I think I'm in love with her." He said dreamily.

"You stay away from her." Dave growled as he checked from going over his desk and punching the shit out of his only friend

"I will." Zach said, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "As soon as you tell me what happened between you two."


I'm so very sorry.

So so so sorry. I've reasons as to why so late an update I'm posting but I also understand i should've done this a little early.

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