Want My Tess Back

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Chapter 27 - Want My Tess Back


"You sonavabitch"

David ducked before he could get hit by his Grey's Anatomy.

"Syd, no. That's not something you should throw. "

"Oh yeah it is." She said before she threw his paper weight at him.

Dave ducked behind his chair again and stood up. His eyes widened

"Not my stethoscope."

She threw at at him. And he caught it perfectly.

"Calm the fuck down. What is wrong with you, woman?"

"If you can't handle a woman, you shouldn't go chasing behind one."

Syd picked up the photograph of him and all the cousins.

"Grey" He deepened his voice. "I'll kill you if you throw that."

"Grey, is it?" She said and placed the photo back only to throw a pen at him.

"The fuck." He roared as it hit his forehead.

"Thank me that I didn't hit you with anything heavy."

"You threw a paper weight at me."

She snorted and drop down on one of the chairs.

"Why does people think that I'm dating their boyfriends. First Lexi. Now Tess. What is it with these sisters?"

"Yeah. Well she believes it and I don't want to correct her."

"You might as well do. She's MIA. The phone's ringing continuously at the office. No one knows what to do. Her firm's falling apart. It's been two weeks now."

"I'm not going to see her. Ever again."

Sydney stood up, "Then you shouldnt have come here, in the first place."

"You think so, too. What happened with 'I don't care what happened back there.'" he mimicked her.

"It didn't matter until she blamed me for snatching her boyfriend away."

Dave raised an eyebrow at her choice of words.

"What happened between you two?"


"No. You've gotta tell me. I love that girl. She's lost right now and I wanna help her. You've done this to her and I hate to say this Dave but if you've really hurt her, I might as well kill you myself."

Dave slumped in his seat. He felt the familiar ache in his chest as he finally told Sydney about them.

"Okay. Then what are you doing here?"

"I... I don't know okay. All I know is I don't want to hurt her."

"Oh god. You're such a melodrama. Go back to her. Find her and then go down on your knees and apologize. You love each other and still you don't want each other. You're fucking idiots. "

Tears filled her eyes as she pinched the bridge of her nose. She shut her eyes. "You've no idea how much you'll really want her until you've completely lost her. You're hoping that you'll be seeing her on family reunions and shit but trust me Dave. You'll regret it when she dies. You'll regret not having her in your life."

Dave clasped Sydney's hand.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No." She sighed. "It's something that I've to handle by myself. I can't let this get out. I can't."

"It's okay. Just know that I'm here when you want to talk about it."

Sydney nodded and stood up. " I'm sorry. I've to go." Dave stood up and hugged her and Sydney left.

Dave processed Sydney's words in his mind. He had been miserable for two weeks now. He hadn't slept for the last 76 hours. He had finally finished filling his cabinet. He had checked on his inventory. Checked in the availability of drugs needed. Did the blood tests twice and thrice. Just because he didn't want to go home. Every time he did, he'd see Tess on the carpet, broken and unhappy.

Dave knew that nobody would fill the void that Tess left in his life. He promised to never chase women ever again because even though he didn't deserve her, he loved her. A lot.

He knew he'd see her every month as Cassandra, Logan's mother, hosted a monthly get-together party.

Dave thought on what Sydney said. He tried to imagine his life completely without Tess. He couldn't. He just couldn't. He had left her knowing he'd see her someday.

If he didn't see her ever again, Dave would fall apart and go back to drowning himself in his bottle.

Sighing Dave dropped on his chair and called Zach.

"You ass. Don't you understand time difference?"

"Zach." He sighed.

"What is it?" All the grumbling was gone. Zach was suddenly serious and his tone was all business.

"I let her go again."

"Then let her be now. Don't do anything. You've hurt her enough." Zach replied. He didn't sound accusing. It was more like he was stating the facts.

"I can't live without her Zach. I tried. I really did. But I can't. I want her back, Zach. I want my Tess back."

A moment later, Zach let out a shout.

"You go, man. Go get your girl. God, I was waiting as to when you'd get your brains back. Looks like you finally found them."

Dave wanted to smack his head.

"First of all I don't know where she is. Second - I don't know what to say. I mean what should I say. Sorry won't be enough. I need something big."

"I don't have an answer to those. But I  think you know someone who could answer those questions."

Dave closed his eyes in concentration and suddenly he got it.

"Thanks Zach."

"Go get her, bud. Good luck."

Dave hung up and proceeded to make another call.

"Cuz, I need your help."


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- Nami

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