Chapter 10

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I cried all through the night, I was the one who encouraged dad to start dating again, but now I've ruined it.


Next day : Sunday

Dad looked so gloomy throughout the day, I apologised to him countless times,

He kept on saying everything was fine and he was fine, but I knew that wasnt true, I knew if I was someone else he would hate me, but because I was is daughter, he had to love me, and that made me sad....

"Dad, lets call her and see if she'll answer"

"I have. I've been calling her all day, she's not answering"

"I'm sorry dad. I didn't mean to, I just.... I'm really sorry dad"

"Its alright honey. Im not mad at you"  he forced out a smile "its my fault, or maybe its a sign, maybe I'm not ready to date again"

"No dad. Thats not true. I promise, I'll make it right".


The weekend was terrible, both Saturday and Sunday. And now its monday, I have to face Parker too, great (note the sarcasm).

"Morning" I said to Sonny and Raven who were already sitting in class.

"Hey, what's up? why do you look so down" Sonny said smiling at me.

I immediately reached into my bag, pulled out my sunglasses and wore it. What?! I'm feeling very sad right now I dont need the light coming from her face at this moment

"Look not everybody is you miss sunshine"

She rolled her eyes,

Raven smiled "But she's right you do look down even for you, what's wrong" Raven said looking at me

"Its a long story"

"Go on, we got time, plus it doesnt look like the teacher is coming anytime soon"

So I told them what happened over the weekend and how my genius plan turned against me

"Wow. That terrible"

"You dont say sherlock"... I already feel enough guilt, I dont need Sonny making me feel worse

"So what are you going to do" Raven asked

"I'm planning on going to her office after school" she worked in the same company with dad, That was how they got close

"What you going to say when you get there" sonny asked

"I don't know, I'll tell her everything. Hopefully she'll forgive me"

"Good luck Amies, Do you want us to come with you" Raven asked

I shook my head "no need. I'll be fine on my own"

We were still talking when the teacher finally came in.


Drew avoided me through out the day, and the truth is,  it was frustrating, he literally made me invisible, like he wipe any memory of a girl named Amy from his brain....

like if he was passing and he see me and the girls, he'd greet them and not even spare me a glance, yeah! I know right!!

All of a sudden he became mister nice guy, If anyone was around me he'd greet them or talk to them like they were his best friends, and when I say anyone I mean every fucking body, it didnt matter if they were nerds, weirdos, goths,  all he greeted all,  this is the guy who doesn't talk to anyone thats not in his circle but now everyone is his friend

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