Chapter 15

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I woke up Saturday feeling happy, it was just 9:00 am, I still had an hour and thirty minutes to get ready.

So I took my bath, wore a grey tank top, black baggy shorts and a pair of flip-flops

what? I'm not going anywhere special, it's just Drew's house.

  I went downstairs and decided to make breakfast, I made pancakes and egg, and fried some sausages

"Wow, something smells nice" dad said walking into the kitchen

I smiled "morning dad"

"What's the occasion, is it my birthday" he teased as I handed him his breakfast

"Haha very funny dad" I said taking my own breakfast, We sat at the dining table together like we always do and started our meal

"Dad the gang and I are going to Drew's place today, I don't know when I'll be coming home"

He took his eyes of his plate to look at me "when you say gang, how many people are we talking about, specifically how many boys?" he asked

I laughed "dad relax, it's just Drew, Ben, Sonny, Raven and I"

"Are you sure?"

"Dad! I'm not a child anymore, I can hang out with as many guys as I want, besides, you don't see me asking you what you do with Amanda" I said, stabbing my egg with the fork and stuffing it into my mouth

He almost choked on his food... making me smiled..

"ok fine, just call me when you're coming home"

I pecked his cheek "ok"

By the time we finished breakfast it was 10:31 am, so I texted Drew and Raven, telling them I was on my way

"Bye dad" I shouted at the door

"Bye honey" he yelled back


When I got to Drew's house Raven and Ben where already there, they were talking, whispering and laughing to themselves

What on earth do they whisper to each other all the time, urgh

"Thank God you're here, I can't take this any longer" Drew said looking at Raven and Ben

I laughed "is it that bad"

"Try st-" he paused and looked at my dressing "you look nice"

I looked at myself "what?, what's wrong with this?"

Drew shook his head and laughed "I wasn't being sarcastic, you look nice"

I looked down at myself "er.. Okay, if you say so"

He signed.

I went to Ravan and hugged her

She smiled "hey, you're late"

"sorry, I lost track of time" I said

"Where is Sonny? have you heard from her?" I asked looking around

"Oh yeah, she said to start without her, she'll join us later"

"Why? Is she alright?" I asked

"She said she just needs to take care of some things"


"Alright girls, lets have some fun" Ben shouted

Raven and I laughed

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