Chapter 24

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Amy's POV

It's been over two weeks since I last saw Jane, and just like every other high school, rumors have been spreading.

No, not from me or any of my friends,

The news about Logan being arrested by the police and getting expelled from school was a big hit, almost everybody was talking about it,

And like every other school, students made up theories and created stories..

Some said he was doing drugs, some said he was in a russian mob,(how that came to be is still a mystery to me), some say he was a porno movie star (close enough),

But in all schools, there is always that one group of students who connects everything,

So few eyebrows rose when some students realized that the day Logan got arrested was the day 'queen bee' Jane was last seen.

Suddenly, new stories arose, but the popular ones were; either he killed her, he kidnaped her for ransom, or they got married in las Vegas.

Students and their wild imaginations, luckily no one thought of the bitter sad truth;

He raped her.

Well that's that about Jane,

Today is Thursday and I plan on- who am I kidding, I don't have any plans, all I can do right now is think about what to get at the cafeteria,

yes, it's almost lunch time, five more minutes, and it's been five more minutes for more than fifty minutes now, this has got to the longest five minutes of my life and I'm starving, I skipped breakfast today,

*Ring ring ring*

Finally, the stupid bell rang, I ran out of that class like it was on fire

"Amies, wait up" Ben called running after me

"What's the rush?" he asked

"Sorry, I'm just so hungry, scratch that, I'm starving"

He chuckled,

Drew and Raven walked upto us in the hallway,

Yeah, lately he spends more time with Raven and Ben than he does with me, at first I was happy about it, I thought I needed the space to save my heart, but after four days, I knew his absence wasn't helping me in anyway.

No, I'm not complaining, I just- fuck it, yes, I am complaining, bite me.

"So who else is as hungry as I am?" Drew asked looking at me,

I am, but I'm not going to answer him. I know it's a little childish, but still, not going to,

"Is it me or did that class last forever" Raven said,

"I know right, I'm hungry as fuck" I said

"I literally just asked who else was hungry" Drew said to me,

"So Raven, how was your class" I ignored him again,

Raven and Ben clearly sensed something because they both cleared their throats,

"So erm.. Raven remember that thing we were going to do at the erm.." Ben said clearly thinking of what to say next,

"Yeah,  erm that thing, I remember, we should go do it before it's too late" she said as she draged him away,

"Guys don't wait up, we'll meet you at the cafeteria" Ben said, letting Raven pull him away,

When they were finally out of sight Drew spoke;

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