Chapter 18

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"I can't believe you and Ben started dating" I said to Raven

She rolled her eyes "Amy, it's been almost a week since I told you...get over it"

"Yeah, well it's still very suprising to me, I'm pretty sure no one saw it coming"

"Please, we were pretty obvious, anyone with a brain would have seen it coming" she smiled

"But I didn't see it coming"

"My point exactly" she teased

"Ouch" I held my chest pretending to be hurt

She chuckled and punched me lightly, causing me to smile,

We were waiting for Sonny at the school gate, she asked us to help her pack her remaining things.

"I cant believe Sonny is leaving tomorrow" I sighed

"Yeah, I'm really going to miss her"

"Me too"

Sonny ran towards us "kon'nichiwa" she smiled

Over the past week Sonny took it upon herself to learn Japanese so she could blend in and make friends .. According to her, what she just said meant hello..

"Kon'nichiwa" we both replied

Yeah, she also made us speak Japanese with her, and yes, it's a little annoying.

"Yukõ" she shouted happily

Yukõ?, the fuck is Yukõ?, Geez

"Sonny what the fuck is yukõ?, and stop shouting for christ sake" I said

"I know right, I think my ears are bleeding" Raven touched her ear, checking for blood,

Sonny rolled her eyes "it means 'let's go', so let's go" she yelled the "go" and ran past us,

Raven and I cringe at the sound of her voice, for some unknown reason Sonny was in a very happy mood today,


"I can't believe you're leaving tomorrow" Raven said as she threw one of Sonny's folded cloth in a box and sat on her bed

"Yeah" I said as I kept another cloth in the box and sat besides Raven

Sonny sat on the floor close to us "I know right. I which we could spend more time together"

"Me too"

"Me three"

We all laughed....

"I'll miss this, I'll miss us" Sonny started crying

"Me tooo" Raven join her in tears

What....don't look at me...I'm not going to join them in crying.... I have to be tough for us... if we all start crying the room will be flooded and we'll all be a crying mess,

plus I can't cry in front of them... I don't think I ever have.

I hugged them both..."we'll be fine, we will always talk no matter what"

"Yeah, best friends for ever" Raven sniffed

"Watashi wa rhõyõ no anata o nogashite shima- something" Sonny said

Great, thanks Sonny, way to kill the mood

"Jesus!, Sonny what the hell are you saying" Raven said and we all laughed

"It means I'll miss you both, I think" Sonny replied after her laugh

"We'll miss you too" I smiled.

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