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Seth P.O.V -

"I am going out Zaharah!" I shouted from my room to the living room where my "amazing" Zaharah sat watching one of the TV shows that I absolutely can not stand, The Kardashians.

I walked to the living room and Zaharah seemed upset, no surprise there. "Where do you think you are heading out to?"

I looked at her annoyed and spoke, "Dean invited me out to eat at a local Diner as a surprise." She seemed suspicious. "What's the name of the Diner?"

"That's the surprise part of it Zaharah. " She smiled and then nodded. "Okay, I believe you baby, just checking."

I hated when she didn't trust me. I know I am lying to her now, but there is no way she would let me do anything for another girl besides her, anything as in picking up something they have dropped for example. She takes it as "suggestive". Even if it is to help the goddess everybody calls "Sasha Banks".

I have been nothing but faithful to her since the day our relationship started. She has cheated on me a couple of times but something always brings me back to her.

"I get you are checking but I would never do anyth-" I was cut off by her lips harshly crashing in to mine. She then broke the kiss and started sucking on my neck.

I acted like it was pleasurable when really, there was no spark. She traced the love mark she left on my neck and said, "Now you are marked and belong to me. Make sure to remind every girl that does so much as lay an eye on you about that."

I threw on a fake smile and nodded. I walked towards the door, grabbed my coat, and made my way to the Tech shop where hopefully I can see what "The Boss" is hiding.

Sasha P.O.V -

"You are acting weird Sasha." My Canadian best friend Kevin Owens sat in my hotel room with me as we drank Coffee and tried to have a normal conversation.

"What are you talking about? I am fine." I was hoping he couldn't see right through my fake smile and all the makeup that covered my puffy eyes and face from all the crying that happened last night.

"No no no, your not. Look maybe you can play this game with Becky but definitely not me. I have known you for five years Sasha, since you were nineteen. That means, I know when you fake being your happy, strong, and funny self. Newsflash honey, I know you are faking. Spill what happened with Rollins."

I looked at him in shock. How could he have guessed that fast. I didn't even have to start talking to screw it up. "Nothing. He and I don't talk anymore, how could something have happened?"

He laughed, "After the Slammy's's you became all different. Matter fact, after Zahrah payed you a little visit is when you began acting off. Look all I am saying is, Rollins was at the Slammy's, you were at the Slammy's, want me to continue?" I love Kevin but he was really getting on my last nerve right now.

"Well, I didn't see him so." Kevin got uncomfortably close. "What are you doing bro?" "Look me in the eyes right now and tell me you didn't speak with Seth at all two nights ago."

I shifted uncomfortably and tried looking him in his eyes without breaking. " I d - didn't speak to him." "Who specifically did you not speak to Sasha?"

I tried so hard to get his name out but I stuttered every time. "Se -Se- S- Oh fine alright! I talked to him! After Zaharah confronted me I left him a stupid voicemail and he didn't receive it because he got a new phone. Zaharah was supposed to pass the news but never did! I can't be his and never will Kevin! Ever! Why hasn't he noticed after all these years how much I love him?!"

Last nights events reoccurred and I was hysterically bawling as one of my best friends tried his best to calm me down but it was no use, I was having a full blown anxiety attack now.

"Shh, calm down Sasha." Owens was hugging me close as I sobbed my eyes out in to his chest.

How was I supposed to stop chasing when he was all that was running through my mind?

Seth P.O.V -

"Seth. I don't know how to talk to you anymore. I am scared. I miss my best friend. The guy I knew from NXT. I have feelings for you Seth. But your girlfriend never lets me get that through to you. Seth I love -"


5 minutes earlier -

"You have so many voicemails and texts from random fans Rollins, how are you going to find one from Sasha?"

I looked at a frustrated Ambrose as I kept searching my Voicemails and texts. To transfer my old stuff on to my new phone would take a while, the longer I am gone means the more Zaharah becomes more suspicious then she already is and I can't have that.

Luckily they knew me, which is one of the perks of being famous, and they still had my phone in shop and it was still activated and holding all my stuff, so they let me have a look through it.

"How do you even know she left you something?"

"I know it Ambrose."

"Whatever man. Don't get your hopes up about finding a message from her today."

"Found one!"

"Wow. What is it?"

"A voicemail."

"Play it man I got to go! My sofa is calling me!"

"Okay, lets see what this girl needed to tell me..."

darlings of desire | - rewriting / under editing • completed ✓Where stories live. Discover now