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The city life of Boston rolled on outside as the native of this place applied her last bits of makeup on to her face.

"Come on Sasha! We gotta go!"

"I'm coming babe, hang on!"

Sasha put on the tightest dress she could find so her man was happy.

Sasha didn't enjoy wearing this type of apparel but she gets judged if she doesn't pull together and wear such outfits for the man who 'holds' her heart.

She stumbled downstairs slowly and walked up to her boyfriend of four months.


"You look beautiful Mercedes."

Sasha allowed Baron to spin her around slowly so he could see every bit of her.

"Thanks and please, call me Sasha."

"I don't like that name. It's kind of, ratchet, don't you think?"

Sasha's heart should have stung with pain but she was used to this kind of treatment, making her numb.

"M-Mercedes is fine."

Sometimes the Boston native wondered what life would be like if she stayed with the man who still truly holds her heart,


God how she misses his voice, his face, his eyes, his lips, his arms.

She would do anything to go back to that day when they shared their first kiss, and change what she did after.

She left him.

Now, there's no going back. She can't change what she's done and the consequences are truly affecting her.

Now she is in an unhappy relationship with a man who treats her like trash.

Somehow she still stays with him, though that's only to ease the pain that she has from leaving.

She doesn't even know why she left at this point. She was scared.

Terrified that if she stayed with him things would go horribly wrong. It didn't matter either way, because she left.

Now she can't get him back. He's probably already moved on to other women and forgotten all about her.

The worst part is, it's all her fault.

She broke him, she made him believe that true love exists just to steal a kiss and push him back to square one.

Now the man spends his time staying up late in hotel rooms with random women that he finds. Pleasuring them and gaining pleasure, all as an attempt to fix the heart that Sasha broke.

His reputation was now being built as a man who just needs a quick fuck, but truly inside that wasn't him.

He just needed someone to bring the old him back, he needed her.

And Seth was determined to get her back, no matter what it takes...

darlings of desire | - rewriting / under editing • completed ✓Where stories live. Discover now