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Sasha's P.O.V -

I woke up feeling overly tired and sick. I had a pounding headache that made me feel extremely nauseous. When my eyes fully opened I saw a little Becky in front of me.

"Morning Sleepy head. Made ya breakfast."

She handed me a plate of Chocolate Chip Pancakes and some Juice.

"Ugh, what happened last night Bex?"

She chuckled at my curiosity.

"We drank. Your hungover buttercup. Lucky you though because the Smackdown Tapings were canceled due to a hurricane here in San Francisco. We are using extra matches from last week that were cut out."

I nodded and ate my Pancakes.

"What time is it Becky?"

"11 AM in the Morning."

I shook my head and lay back. How was she not hungover? I know she drank.

As I was laying down rubbing circles on my head, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!"

Becky stood up and rushed to the door. She seemed excited at first then her expression changed soon after.

In walked Kevin Owens followed by, Seth.

Kevin looked at me and spoke,

"You look like crap."

"Gee, thank you Kevin I couldn't have a better Best Friend."

Seth crossed his arms,

"Hey hey hey Bossy, I thought I was your best friend."

Kevin spoke,

"You? Oh wow, how funny considering you caused-"

Becky cut Kevin off by shouting,

"Hey! Both of you are wrong. I am her best friend."

They began to argue back and forth though my mind was set on one thing, why would Kevin say Seth caused something? What did he cause?

"Could you guys just shutup I have a headache!"

Everyone flinched at my outburst and I calmed myself down.


Becky laughed followed by a slight chuckle by Kevin and a smile by Rollins.

Becky spoke,

"Well Buttercup, I think you and him have some talking to do. Kevin's request."

I sent Kevin a death glare as him and Becky exited the room leaving me with Seth.

"You okay kiddo?"

"Y-yeah. What did they mean we need to talk?"

"Well I heard some of your voicemail and Kevin explained everything."

"Wh- What?"

Seth's P.O.V -

I had a plan and this is how I begin to execute it. I mean after all, I am the architect and plans are kinda my thing.

"Wh- What?"

I was reeling her in.

"Yeah. I mean The voicemail was cut short so all I heard was that you missed me as your best friend, that guy from NXT. Then the line must have broke. So I asked Kevin and he said that over the months I have been out, you felt as if our friendship had drifted apart. Sasha is that true?"

"Y- Yeah. It was just hard not being able to see you."

"I understand. Though I know I sent Zaharah a couple times to tell you to call me, as you said she forgot, somehow. Sasha be honest, has she been part of the reason you feel our friendship drifting apart?"

Sasha's eyes widened and she hesitated then answered,

"Zaharah? N-No of course not. She's great, I-I no no."

Got her.

"Okay just checking bossy."

I slowly crept my hand on to her knee and smirked at her reaction, though I didn't let her see that.

I talked in my sexy, whisper voice which to my knowledge, turned every girl on.

"You know I have to check up on the baddest and most beautiful boss in the WWE."

She swallowed the lump in her throat.


"Anyhow. Since you are feeling this way, how about we go out for fun, just you and I, it will be like... Old Times."

"I-I don't know Seth I-"

I cut her off,

"Come on Sasha don't let your true best friend down, the guy from NXT. "

Oh my plan is going perfectly.


I smiled as I stood up and ruffled her beautiful, exotic colored hair.

"Good. I will pick you up at 8 on Saturday."

She nodded and with that, I left, feeling highly accomplished.

Sasha's P.O.V -

I can't believe I agreed to do this. If Zaharah finds out she is going to claw my eyes out and murder me.

Thank god he didn't hear the full voicemail. Kevin luckily didn't rat me out.

Seth was being different today. Almost flirtatious. No, no he couldn't be. We are just friends and my feelings won't get the best of me this time.

I am going to look at the bright side. Maybe rekindling this friendship means that things will be back to normal. Back to when I was happy. Back before Zaharah was in the picture.

Only time will tell...

Ω¤Ω¤Ω¤Author's Note ¤Ω¤Ω¤Ω

Okay thoughts on this chapter : Meh.

Its kind of basic an maybe a bit rushed but I am going to work around it.

Anyhow lets talk about RAW. My baby had "Won" the title, only to find out on the amazing WWE Network, for only $9.99 may I add, that Ambrose is still champ. Don't get me wrong I am beyond happy for Ambrose because I am a giant Ambrose fan. But ugggh. I kinda want Seth to reclaim the dang thing already 😂. Whatever congrats man, wait till battleground 😂😋.

Anywayyy, the book. Seth is playing mind games with Sasha. But will that end in a mess?

Thank y'all for reading!

Make sure to vote and always comment your thoughts as they are much appreciated.

Byee 💖..

darlings of desire | - rewriting / under editing • completed ✓Where stories live. Discover now