Just Your Classic Ch. 19

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Authoress Notes: Sorry for not updating yesterday I had a really bad day yesterday and I had no energy to type anything up. So there is one more chapter to come out tonight :33

Chapter Song: Alive by Krewella (Song doesn't go really I got choosed a random one)


It was the second day that I've been to the hospital and I already knew Sam's nurse. I walked into the room and Sam was sitting up and was on his phone. He looked up and I smiled at him and he smiled back. I walk over and was going to sit on the chair but Sam stopped me.

"Sit on the bed with me." He said.

"Okay," Sam moved over and I sat down next to him.

"How are you?" He asks.

"Good, when do you get out?" I ask.

"Today, Nate came in and signed some paper. I have one last check up and I can leave this place!" Sam smiles.

"Good!" I kiss his cheek.

"I'm so ready to leave," Sam put his phone away.

"I'm sure, I hated the hospital and still do." I complained.

"I don't know who even likes it here," Sam laid down and pulled be down next to him.

I looked into his eyes and I felt like the most luckiest girl right now. I moved close to him and kissed him. Sam kissed me back and it was warm and enjoyable. I pull back before it starts to heat up, didn't want the nurse or doctor to enter during that.

Sam was going to protest but the nurse Anna and a doctor came in and Sam sat up. I got up and sat in the chair next to the bed and looked away. My face was probably red, even if they didn't catch us doing anything I was still laying next to Sam.

"Miss you need to wait outside," the doctor said.

"Nah, she can stay." Sam said.

"Okay," the doctor said.

I watched as he checked Sam over and look at the side of his head where he hit it. I looked away at that part, I didn't want to be grossed out or worse pass out. 

"Mia you can look now," I hear Sam say.

I look up and the doctor was done. Sam got up and I noticed he had clean clothes. I got up and followed him out.

"Did Nate bring you clean clothes?" I ask.

"Yeah, you are going to have to drive me back to my apartment. Nate knew you were coming so he left."

"That's fine."

I walk out with Sam after saying bye to nurse Anna and after Sam put on his jacket and hat on. I got to the car and Sam was by the driver side. I walk over and lean against the Mustang.

"What are you doing Sam?"

"I'm going to drive," Sam held his hand out for the keys.

"No you aren't, I'm going to drive." I pushed him to the side.

I wanted to get into my car and start to defrost myself. It's December and it's cold and I don't like the cold. Sam sighed and finally went to the passenger side and I unlocked the car once inside. I started the car up and he purred like a kitten. 

"Well you are going to have to tell me where you live again," I said as I put the car into drive.

Sam told me where he lived and I drove. Sam was messing with the radio as I drove which I didn't mind. I finally pulled up to his apartments and I parked in the back of the building.

"Come inside with me," Sam turns to look at me.

"R-really?" I ask.

"Yeah, Nate and Lane aren't home right now. We watch a movie or something." 

I nod my head yes and followed Sam into the apartment which was on the second floor so we had to climb stairs on the outside of the building. I carefully made my way up the slippery steps. After the steps we were passing door and I slipped. Sam caught me awkwardly before I hit the ground. And I say awkwardly because I was leaning back.

"Careful," Sam said and helped me stand up.

"There was ice!" I pointed.

"Yeah, not great apartments, Nate has fallen down the stairs last winter." Sam shrugged.

We made it to the apartment door. Sam unlocked the door and inside looked normal. Off to the right was the living room and a little ways back off to the left was the kitchen. There was a all with 4 doors.

"So what do you want to do?" Sam asked as he took his jacket off and his hat.

I started to take mine off also. "Hmm, I don't care."

Sam sighed and sat on the couch after kicking his shoes off. I took my shoes off and walked over and sat down next to him and put my head on his shoulder. We stared at a blank TV screen for a while.

"Well we don't have much movies other than guy movies." Sam looked down at me.

"We can just watch TV," I smile up at him.

"Okay," Sam turned the TV on and we ended up watching Pawn Stars. 

During a commercial I went to use the bathroom and Sam told me where and at first I opened the wrong door. I looked around and I could tell it was Sam's room. Also because I see his bag for school and his jackets. I close the door it was messy but clean at the same time. I used the bathroom and came back and Sam was laying down on the couch.

"Where am I suppose to sit?" I ask.

Sam moved over a bit for I could lay next to him. I laid down next to him, he was warm and I couldn't help but lean against him. 

Sam was starting to get bored since he was playing with my hair. I turn a bit to look at him.

"Getting bored?" I ask.

"A bit," Sam smirked.

I was going to ask him why he was smirking but he kissed me before I could say anything. Sam moved so he was in between my legs. One of his hand found it's way under my shirt. I squeaked in the kiss and Sam deepened the kiss. This was all new to me but it was nice and very hot.

"Please no sex on my couch," someone said.

Sam stopped kissing me and looked over to the door and I did too more out of shock through. It was Lane and Nate. My face heated up and I put my hands over my face.

"You two have horrible timing," Sam got off of me. 

I got up, "We-well I'm going to leave."

"You don't have to Mia," Sam got up also.

"I need to do stuff," I lamely say and put my shoes and jacket on and I could hear Lane and Nate chuckling.

"Stop laughing you dicks," Sam tells the guys and he does the same thing as me.

"Well bye!" I turn to run out the door. 

"Wait for me," Sam zipped his jacket up and followed me out.

"You could've stayed inside," I tell Sam as we walk to the back of the apartment.

"I should walk you out," Sam holds my hand as we walk.

We got to my car and Sam leans down and kisses me goodbye. I get in my car and leave, today was nice until Nate and Lane cmae home, my face was still red from that.


Authoress End Notes: Well now I gotta go write up the next chapter :33 

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