Just Your Classic Ch. 26

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Authoress Notes: So sorry for not updating I ended up getting sick again and I was busy for a sick person >.> But today will be a double update and tomorrow. I have it that this story will end Monday so brace yourselves! Anyways go and read :33

Chapter Song: Please Don't Say You Love Me by Gabrielle Aplin



I couldn't face Sam at all but he was avoiding me all day which was okay. I mean I wanted to talk to him but he wanted his space so I gave it to him. Lily and Molly have been asking what happened with us and I haven't told them yet. They would say or do something to Sam and it was our problem.

So at lunch I was stuck with the girls since boys weren't there and they kept asking me what happened. I sighed and turned to look at them.

"I told Sam that I loved him yesterday," I told them.

"That's it?" Molly asks.

"He looked at me with wide eyes and I ran off," I said.

"And he has been avoiding all day because of that?" Lily asks.

"I guess so," I shrug.

Molly held down Lily, "It must be a lot for him."

"So!" Lily tried to escape.

"Lily it's fine, I will give Sam his space if he wants it." I looked down.

As the day went on I still didn't see Sam. In the last class of the day Sam wasn't there. I felt like I messed up so bad. If I hadn't let those words slip put we might still be enjoying our time together. 

After class I got in my car and went home, today was just a very depressing day.

(Sam's POV) 

I've been avoiding Mia all day today. I just couldn't face her after she told me she loved me. How does someone react to that when a girl says that to you. It probably wasn't good that I was avoiding her but I need time to think of what she said. And knowing Mia she would give me the space.

It was lunch and I decided to skip school the rest of the day since I didn't want the guys asking if I broke up with Mia or not. Which I didn't I just needed time. So I headed over to the Warehouse since I also got a call from the owner of the place.

Everyone called him Old Man and that is what he likes to be called anyways. I pull up to the warehouse and park. I get out of my car and zip my jacket up, it was still cold out since it was the end of January and February was coming up which was the coldest month.

I quickly make my way into the Warehouse and I see the Old Man's body guards. We just nod at each other without a word and they lead me upstairs to the little office. I knocked and hear the Old Man say to come in.

I walk in and close the door and it's nice a warm in here since he has a small heater in here. The Old Man had grey hair and was tall and still fit he, was about in his late 40s. He had rings and a gld chain and dark, cold eyes.

"Blake, how are you today?" Old Man asks with a small smile.

I got to know Old Man since he liked my fighting, "Could be better." I wasn't lying it could be better with Mia and I.

"Sad to hear, do you know why I called you?" Old Man asks.

"No.." my body tense just in case he sicks his body guards on me. He has done it to others before.

"You are in debt to this place. You need to pay up Blake," Old Man frowned at me.

"In debt? What do you mean?" I glare at him.

"You lost a few times and never paid up," Old Man sat forward.

"You told me I didn't need to worry about it."

"Yes well, money is tough and I need you to pay up." Old man folded his hands together.

"And if I don't?" I ask with a slight smirk.

"Then we have to no choice but to harm someone you care about, you know the rules." Old Man waved his hand.

"They all know how to protect themselves." I lean back with a smirk fully making it's way on my lips.

"What about a girl named Mia Holland, I heard you two are dating. Don't think I didn't see her with you a while back."

I sat up, "Don't you dare lay a finger on her you damn bastard." I said in a very cold voice.

This time the Old Man smirked, "Then pay up Sammy boy and we won't touch her you have until a few day. The price is 2 grand, if you can't pay up then Mia will be harmed."

I wanted to so badly to harm him but I knew better. He owned a gun and I've seen it a few times. I had to get the money so he wouldn't touch Mia. 

I left soon after that and drove back to the apartments, how was I going to get the money in a few days and if I didn't Mia would be hurt and it would be my fault. I didn't have 2 grand to give away and neither did my friends.

I sat in my car after I got home and was just thinking of how I can get that sort of money. I could try and rob a bank but I better not. I didn't want to wind up in jail since I would be turning 18 later this year. 

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. This wasn't good at all.

(Mia's POV) 

It was late in the night and Aunt Sophia and I were watching TV while I did my homework. I looked at my phone for the millionth time that day probably hoping to see a text from Sam. But nothing came and I sighed and set my phone down again.

"Mia, you have been looking at your phone every 10 minutes. What's up?" Aunt Sophia asked.

"Nothing, I was hoping to get a text from Lily about the homework since she needed help," I lied.

"Okay," Aunt Sophia stared at me for a little longer then looked at the TV.

I hoped Sam was okay and that he will talk to me soon.


Authoress End Notes: Oh my! Sam owes money to the Old Man and if he doesn't get the money Mia would be harmed!!

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