2° Chapter- Who was guilty?!

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# 2° Chapter- Who was guilty?!

He got out of the room and went to his house. He is my bestfriend since pre-school we're both amateur surfers but I think he's better than me, we like to surf on weekends and sometimes wa even surf after classes, we like to surf on a nearby beach, it's close to our house, we're roommates too, he's a little messy, but we still get along our house is like 1mile from the beach we have a littl aquarium on each of our rooms, they have one fish on each one and they're called after us. My fish, FC, is an angel fish, black, white, and awesome.

The doctor came to "my new room":

-Hello Francis, I'm Doctor Helbert,- he started to read a little resame on the end of my bed- it looks like your injuries aren't very deep, but I don't think you'll be able to walk or use your legs in the close future.

I constructed in my face the most scariest expression that I've ever seen.

Then I closed my eyes, and rested my head. I couldn't believe that my very best friend had let that car run through me and got my legs out of the working group of legs! Then my phone rang

## texts ON ##


How r u?



Bad! Don't wanna talk to you now!



What did I did? :(



You let a car run through me and break my legs, and left me alone at the hospital!



Well don't blame me! Was I driving the car? I was by your side!



Then who was drivimg it?! Who?! Tell me?! So I can be mad at him

## texts OFF ##

        He didn't answer

I called him

## call ON ##

ME: Hello?! It's not class time! Why didn't you answer! WHO WAS DRIVING?!

MARK: It doen't matter, I didn't even know him-he saud with a weird tone.

ME: I know you since pre-school, don't lie to me!

MARK: Nobody was driving!

ME: Then you're willing to take the guilt?!

MARK: No, ok... it.... It was...

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