4° Chapter- Miss Dick Wings

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Hello flying bird with cloud wings.. I'm gonna call you Miss Dick Wings.-my roommate said

-Are you on drugs?

-He had a kidney transplant, he's still on the effect of drugs-the black nurse said

-That looks like fun- I throwed a smile to the funny guy he just stared at me

Someone knocked on the door when the nurse got out. It was Mark

-Hello FC.

-Shoo! Shoo! Go away bees! Please unihorse attack them!-the funny guy said looking and pointing at Mark

-Is that an insult?- he said while getting his fists ready

-Forguet it Mark, he's on drugs...

He closed the courtin that separeded me from my roommate.

-Sorry but he creaps me out!- he said

-Well how did the date go?

We're having it right now... She felt guilty and instead of going to some place fancy we came here, Katie?!

She entered the room and sat down on a chair between me and the courtin, she hold Mark's hand

-I'm really really sorry FC. I didn't mean to crush your legs.-she lat Mark's hand and holded mine instead

-Or my style... you shouldn't have come I'm fine

-I'm going to get something for us to eat- she said as she walked out from my room

-I saw that hand FC, ve carefull- e putted a strict angry face- or I will be the one to crush your legs and your style- we started to laugh weirdly

-I met someone, Clara

-She's a nurse, right?

-Who would it be? Something really weird happened between us

-What happened?

-She saw my dicj waking from a sound sleep

-HOOO, it is on! Let me guess you started kissing her till' th sunset!

-No! Unfrotunatelly! I was on the shower but i fell from my chair...

I told him what happened until the lart wheb he arrived. When i finished Katie entered the room.

-I brought us some sandwiches wuth turkey ham and cheese- she sat down, again between me and the courtin

Then a hand grabbed Katie by her arm and she started screaming as loud as shecould until Mark pulls the courtin and she sees my roommate, and slaps him in the face

-Ouch that hurts!-my roommate said

-Look, the unihorse awaked- Mark said angrily

-What's a unihorse?- he said back

-You must know... You called me that!- Mark calmed down as he said that.

Well I dunno! But I don't think we met already, my name is George

-Hello- we all answered in a weird unisound

-This is Mark- I started th presentation- my bestfriend, this is Katie, Mark's date for tonight, and I'm FC

-FC? Weid name...- George said

-Well his real name is Francis C.!- Mark, Katue and George gigled

-Not funny dude- I friendly punched Mark on the elbow, as I gave a little smile.

-We talked a little as we watched TV, after it, Mark and Katie, went home, and George and I ate one of the most discusting meals I ever had, curtesy of the hospital. Then we went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2014 ⏰

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