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A wolf, black in colour, with eyes of amber ran through the woods, his paws hitting the ground fast enough to leave dust behind. It was only seconds ago that the tell tale tingle went through him, alerting him of a rogue wolf passing the border into his land. Just as well for him it was near midday and him and the others were just finishing morning patrol.

Just then another shock shot down his spine- causing an increase of speed from the older Alpha. To his left he heard a second pair of paws join his, his beta, he realised.

You sure took your time- He sent through to to his companion.
Finally the land border was within sight. The large tree, known as The Tree of Life, stood out and there right in front of it was a girl- a very skinny girl- who appeared to have been passed out. And was now being dragged by a man, no- a boy, her ankle in his hand- in HIS territory.

Snarling, he made sure that the man dropped the young girl's foot. Noting the hand shaped bruise forming on her right arm, which was laying limply of her torso, as if she had been cradling it before she passed out. A RUNT, HE WOULD NEVER FORGET THE CURIOUSITY THAT FLOWED THROUGH HIM AT THAT REALISATION, CURIOUSITY AS TO WHY SHE HADN'T BEEN KILLED ALREADY, ESPECIALLY KNOWING HIS RUTHLESS NEIGHBOURS.
Stepping over the girl, hackles raised he let a low growl rumble from within his chest.

The boy, who he was now close enough to to distinguish as the young future Alpha of The Moldavite Pack, James, backed up a few paces.

"Alpha Paterson," he said, with a nod of acknowledgement. "So sorry about this, but it seems Natasha over there wasn't looking where she was going and crossed over to your border. If you would be so kind and to just allow us to collect her I would be ever so grateful." Narrowing his eyes the older wolf looked down once more at the girl beneath him.

With dark hair and pale skin, pulled tight over her bones, she looked more like a corpse than a girl who may have just been running. It was hard to see her distinguish her age due to the fact that her hair obscured her face from view. Although from her build and her ability to have clearly outrun these pups be guessed she would be in her early teens, MAYBE 15?

Knowing that handing her over would probably mean her death her growled, sending his Beta (who had already shifted back into human form, and pulled on a pair of shorts he found in the stash they kept hidden throughout the Forrest) to pull the girl further into their territory.

Alpha Paterson watched as James' eyes turned a couple shades darker, signifying his wolf's anger. Out of his peripheral vision he watched his friend hitch the girl onto his back and start walking towards the pack house. Backing up towards the tree lines Alpha Paterson kept a close eye on the boy- daring him to cross the border.

Instead James stood there a glint of contempt in his eyes- his hands clenched at his sides and his jaw clenching from what was unmistakably the grinding of his teeth.

It was only once he was hidden within the tree line once again, that Alpha Paterson turned his back on the pup, making his way back home.



--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A/N. So just incase it wasn't clear- James is to become Alpha veeerrry soon, and Alpha Paterson is not going to be romantically interested in Natasha in ANY WAY. Cool, so this was excruciating to write- I did quite a bit of research in symbolism to find the name of Natasha's old pack, and I have a video of a pack attacking an omega (who recovered and is fine now) to try and work out if that would affect the way I've written things. Be aware I started this story at 12/13, I am now 15- so my writing style and view of the world has changed. Also, I haven't read a wolf story in almost two years now- but this one won't be centred around romance for her, there MAY be some- but it's not the driving point. Cool, sorry about how long this took to get to you guys, but here it is. Also, all caps and italics is Alpha Paterson's thought, sorry, I wrote it in notes, meaning I had to write in Caps to remember where I wanted his thoughts to be, I didn't have italics at first. I won't do it again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2017 ⏰

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