In. Out.

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Dropping my head I train my eyes on my tattered black slip on shoes.

"I-I am so sor-rry," I stutter my voice quaking, watching as goose bumps start appearing along the flesh of my legs.

I wince when his hand tightens its grip on my arm until the blood in it has surely stopped flowing.

He lets go of my arm abruptly as he takes a large step backwards. His eyes rake me from head to toe, his mouth curling into a sneer. Eyes locking with mine I watch as he slowly, deliberately, wipes his hand on his left material clad leg.

"Whatever! Clean this up and go inside, the longer I see your face the more I lose my appetite."

I nod quickly refusing to let him see that his words affected me. Crouching I go to pick up the platters and dropped food before a sharp pain explodes on my right side just below my rib cage.

Crying out in pain I hear snickers of amusement and even some howls of laughter. Wrapping my still throbbing arm around my stomach flinch when something wet and sticky land on my cheek just below my eye, resisting the itch to wipe it of when I realise that he's just spat on me.

Staying curled in a ball for a few more moments, I wait until the group that had been surrounding me have moved on before placing the food on the fallen platters. Standing slowly I gasp as pain once again shoots through my body not healing nearly as quickly as the other wolves would have.

Slowly I start walking towards the house concentrating on putting on foot in front of the other and balancing the trays on my arms, which burn from exertion and throb of pins and needles.

Sliding the back door open with the toe of my shoe I walk into the kitchen tentatively, placing the food on the counter before collapsing in a heap on the floor.

In. Out. In. Out. I remind my self over and over again to breathe focusing on the feeling of the air filling my lungs before rushing out once again.

"You can do this," I tell my self in my head. Before scrambling for the counter top and heaving my body up to stand on my slightly swaying feet.

In. Out.

A/N so I have decided to give this another shot but have also decided that I am unhappy with the first few chapters so before I write the next chapter I will be editing those ones because I found them lifeless and boring.
Please comment and tell me where I can improve let me know of any spelling or grammar mistakes. Also let me know if you prefer this style of writing or my previous style. Thank you.

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