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It's always good to have a nice title. You want a title that'll lure people in.

So, try not to use any popular songs as titles. Those are overused sometimes and your book can get lost in the search. You don't want that.

Try things related to your book. Try not to make your title go over 3 or 4 words. Long titles aren't always the best.

Songs work, just try to stay away from popular ones. Maybe something unique, an old song maybe.

I have a TVD fic with a song title. It's call "Kiss From A Rose" that song is honestly amazing. It's by Seal and I love it. I don't see many books using that title so I went for it. (You can listen to the song up top ^ )

Try not to name your books after your OC. Like "Isabella Clemetine: History Teacher" or some shit like that. Those (to me) are lame.

I think that's all, remember that we all have opinions here. If you don't like that I'm writing a How NOT To Write ----- book then you can leave. No hate is welcome here.


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