chapter 2

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Miranda ^^^

After a long day of listening to the teachers go on and on about different things I finally got to go home. I threw my back pack onto my shoulder and followed Cameron and Sarah to the bus. We climbed in and sat next to one another. Sarah and Cameron we're discussing the time and outfits they we're wearing to the party. After a while I decided to block them out.

We finally made it home. I ran inside the apartment and into our house. I grabbed the bowl of watermelon out if the fridge and then jumped the back of the couch and landed perfectly on the cushion. I smiled proudly and grabbed the remote. I began clicking through channels until I decided on ride along. I began showing on my watermelon I heard Sarah and Cameron come into are apartment and they dropped their back packs down before popping next to me on the couch.

We all began watching the movie and eating watermelon. After the movie we started getting ready, well they did I decided my outfit was good enough. I walked up the stairs to my bedroom, I walk into the bathroom and quickly put on some mascara, so people can actually tell I am a girl.

I walk back downstairs and see Sarah and Cameron standing there patiently waiting for me.

Apparently I am always late. I think sarcastically to myself.

I grab my skateboard and walk down the stairs. Sarah following behind me. I watch Cameron jump in his Jeep and pull out of the driveway.

"You know you didn't have to walk with me, right?" I asked Sarah would walked next to me.

"I know but I figured I should get some exercise, plus I wasn't leaving my best friend alone to walk to a party she didn't even want to go to." She answered gently. I laugh at her before jumping onto my skateboard and begin kicking off. Sarah began jogging next to me. After about half an hour we make it to the house the parties at. I see Cameron's Jeep parked in the lawn, I walk over and throw my skateboard in. Me and Sarah walked into the house with each other.

Sarah quickly walked off into the living room where people were grinding on each other and making out.

My face twists in disgust. I continue walking, getting closer to the music. My chest vibrating from the blasting of music. I can hear people screaming over the music at one another. I look for Cameron which was beyond hard with the lights changing colors rapidly. After about twenty minutes I give up and walk to the couch. I sit at the edge of the couch because at the other end was people making out and rubbing each other.

I turn back around at the people dancing, I felt as if I was being watched my eyes traveled around looking for the person but I didn't see anyone looking at me. I stand up and walk to the kitchen, I believe. I slide through the crowded area and grab a sprite. I begin walking back to the couch when someone ran into me and made my soda spill all over me.

He looked down at me and just snickered before walking away.


I throw the can away and walk to the door. I see Cameron walking to his car with a brunette tangled in his arms, I run over to him.

"Where are you going?" I ask, my voice sounded shaky.

"M-me and Brittany are taking the party to her house," he slurred out wobbling a little.

"Lily, not Brittany. " she laughs and they begin walking to the vehicle again. I groan as I watch them drive away.

I walk back inside to find Sarah. I see her grinding against a guy with short back hear. I shake my head at her amused. I walk over to her.

"Hey, I am going home!" I shout over the music. She nods.

" I will be going with Chris! " she says happily smiling at the guy she was grinding on . I nod and walk out.

I begin walk the dark giving an eery feeling. I feel like someone watching me. I look around but don't see anyone. I pick up my pace and begin hearing footsteps. I take off inti a sprint down the side walk and I hear the foot steps keeping up with my speed. I finally see my apartment. I rum to mine and run through the door. I quickly lock it behind me and lean against the door panting trying to regain my breathe.

I walk upstairs and strip of my clothing. I sat my phone on the table next to my bed and then get dressed into a pair of short shorts and a tank top. I slide into bed and under the covers. I feel myself begin to get tired until there's a knock on the door. I groan but get up and walk downstairs.
I grab the baseball bat next to the door. And slowly unlock and open it. I look around not seeing anyone I look down. I see a white envelope with my name in cursive on it. I pick it and look around once more before shutting and locking the door. I pull out a small note and read it,

I just thought I'd tell you, you looked very beautiful tonight baby girl. I will be there soon to pick you up, until then behave and enjoy the pictures I took.


I feel my heart stop as I reread the note over and over again trying to comprehend what's going on. I look in the envelope and see two pictures one was of me looking around at the party and the other was me getting changed. I quickly throw everything away and run up stairs into my room.

I lock the door and jump under my covers. At the time it felt like a good hiding spot but then I lost track of time and fell asleep.

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