Chapter 17

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Thats me and my brother c: ^^

I  walk up to the room feeling disappointed with myself. I get in the room and close the door behind me hoping Grey doesn't follow me. I slide of my clothes and walk in the closet I search threw the rack until I find a clean shirt and sweatpants. I quickly slide them on and walk out of the closet. I jump as I hear a voice,

"You sure do know how to give a guy a tease," Grey comments jokingly.

I roll my eyes annoyed, "I am going to bed." I hear him let out a small groan and then strip of everything except his boxers. I crawl into bed and cover my cold body up. He jumps in next to me excitedly. He pulls my body into his, his lips touch my forehead. I feel like throwing up, this whole damned situation is so sickening.

"How did you find me?" My voice broke the silence and it startled him, I started the conversation for once. It startled me too to be honest.

After the shock he looks at me confused, "What do you mean?"

"Like, there's hundreds upon thousands of girls and yet you somehow found me. How did you become obsessed with me?"

"Oh, well I was in the park one day and I seen you and a few of your friends walking around. When I seen you my whole world froze, your beauty shocked me beyond words. Your eyes showed me my future. When you smiled and laughed to one of your friends, and I decided that my future needed you in it." He spoke softly playing with my hair. That whole speech was actually quite nice, with a side of creepy. It would have been nicer if it wasn't for a psychopath.

"Oh," I say still a little shocked.

He looks at me questionably, "I tell you the beginning of our love story and all you say is oh?" His voice held a bit of anger.

"Sorry, its nice, I guess." I mumble.

"Why do you want kids?" I mumble a little annoyed.

"So that I have kids to carry on my family name."

"What happens if they're girls though, then they will most likely get a name change when they get married."

"My family doesn't usually accept girls, they're too weak t carry on our traditions. The only people in decades to have a daughter, and keep it, was my parents and that's only because my mother threatened to commit suicide if he killed her." He says calmly, "The only ones to accept her in this family is my mother and I, Personally I think she was a mistake though." He finishes.

"And if I were to have a daughter?" I asked a little nervous of the answer I would get.

"We. If WE were to have a daughter." He growls out glaring at me lightly.

I look down feeling uncomfortable under his hateful eyes.

"If we were to have a daughter we would deal with the problem later." I cringe at how he called her a problem.
"Understand?" He snaps a little. I quickly nod my head.

"Good." He smiles and lightly kisses my lips. I cringe and immediately pull back. He slaps me and I whimper out.

I push his chest trying to get my face away from his. He just holds me closer. "Go to sleep," His voice sounded a little irritated. I flipped over annoyed at him. I try one last time to get away from his body but fail. I lay there for awhile until I let sleep take me in.


Kind of a short chapter but I have been dealing with a horrid ear ache and have been getting really irritated and depressed with life. But anyways get away from my life, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I will try to update again soon.

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