chapter 10

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I woke up when I heard someone screaming. I blinked a few times before my eyes adjust. I look around and notice the screaming as stopped I lifted myself up onto my arms and noticed I fell asleep on the couch. I look to the side where the front door is and see Grey standing there stunned.

"What?" I ask while rubbing my eyes with my fist.

"The door was unlocked." He said confused.

"I know." I state standing up from the couch.

"But you're still here," he raises his eyebrow at me, "why?"

"I told you, I like you too." It was actually quite easy to lie to someone you hate. He smiles happily at me. I watch him as he walks slowly over to me. Each step makes me more nervous, does he know I am lying? I hope not.

He stops in front of me and engulfs me into a hug. He puts his chin on the top of my head. My hands slowly slide around his waste. I feel disgusts.

He finally pulls away, "let's make some food and I will let you ask questions about me." He smiles.

I let out a small okay. He cooked us some Bacon eggs and pancakes. I was hungry but didn't want to eat his food. I sat there staring at him as he eats his eggs.

"How long have you been stalking me?" The question slipped out of my lips before I could think it over. He lifts his head from the plate and looks at me for a minute.

"I wouldn't call it stalking." He states taking another bite of his eggs.

"Then what would you call it?" I grit out.

"Looking over someone I love, "

"Well how long have you been looking after me?" I ask annoyed.

"Since you were like 14, I didn't decide to send you letters until a month ago." I feel my face pale. Thats a long time to be watched.

I continued asking him questions about different things. Like his job, when he leaves for it when he gets back from it and so on. He thinks I wanted to know because I was happier when he was with me, boy is he wrong. He said he left around six in the morning and got back at three-ish. That would give me a long time to run. After a bunch of questions, having dinner we finally decided to relax. We sat on the couch and he put suicide squad on as soon as Harley comes on I think about my friend. We watched it together when it came out I remember how we laughed because we thought Harley Quinn and the Joker were couple goals. As I started thinking about my friends and family tears began sliding down my cheek.

I didn't notice the movie ended because I could barely see past my blurry eyes. Grey grabbed my wrist and dragged me upstairs into our room he pushes me on the bed. And slides in next to me. He pulls me into his chest and cuddles me.

"Stop crying." He whines at me. A sob racks through my chest as I ignore him.

"Skinny marinky dinky dink
Skinny marinky dinky doo
I love you

I love you in the morning
and in the afternoon
I love you in the evening
and underneath the moon

Skinny marinky dinky dink
Skinny marinky dinky doo." He gently sings to me. I remember my mother singing this when I was younger and it would embarrass me so much. He was trying to calm me but it made everything worse. I feel like a toddler. He keeps singing the song over and over again as he rocks me back and forth. My face was tucked into his shoulder and arm as I cried. I finally feel my body begin getting exhausted. My eyes swollen and my throat sore.

I let sleep drag me in as he continues singing the lullaby to me. It may have been peaceful if it wasn't that song, it reminded me so much of my mother it hurt.

He kissed my forehead right before I fell asleep.

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