Chapter 20

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I feel my heart beat increase when we walk into the living room and see two girls sitting on the couch.

The old lady, I am supposing is the mother, sat with her legs crossed and her arms folded. Her short blondish white hair barely touching her shoulder blades, her brown eyes looked as if they were stripped of life. She had a lean figure and broad shoulders. She sat staring at the ground until we stopped in front of them, her eyes traveled slowly up my body until they met mine. She gave me a remorseful look and then a small smile. I smile back and then turn to see the same lady I seen when I ran away, except this time she has a black eye and bloodshot eyes. It wasnt hard to tell that she was more then likely just hit, and in pain.

I feel bad at first until I remember she was the lady that returned me to this monster. As if he could read my thoughts, his arm snakes its away around my waist. I try to tug away from his side but fail. I glare at the ground irritated.

"Mother," He smiles happily, "sister," He looks over at her and gives her an annoyed look, "this is my beautiful soon to be wife." His smile returns when he finishes his sentence. I feel my stomach tighten and a small lump form in my throat as I fight back a sob.

"Say hi." He growls lightly in my ear so only I can hear him.

"Hi." I say annoyed giving them a small look of acknowledgment. They nod and say hi back. I then look at Grey hoping I could be excused from this craziness. He looks down at my pleading look with a faint smile.

"Go on." He says laughing lightly. I begin walking away when I feel a light tap on my butt. I jump and then quickly scurry off.

I push myself into the kitchen and see five plates sitting on the cupboard. I figured one was mine so I grabbed it and quickly walked my way back to the kitchen door.

"Where are you going?" Greys father asks.

"To my room." I state quietly and try to walk away again.

"Why don't you eat with us, at the table..?" He asks sounding slightly annoyed.

"Because I don't want to." I snap at the old man and quickly walk out of the kitchen and up the stairs. I hear an annoyed grunt behind me. I roll my eyes a little at his childish behavior but continue to Grey's room.

I walk into the room and shut the door behind me. I notice the wedding dress sitting on the bed, practically mocking me. I looked down at the greasy breakfast and get a horrid thought. My gaze slowly lifts itself back up to my dress. If I did what my brain told me to do right now I would more then likely be punished. It also might get me out of this scarring day though. I take a deep breath an swallow the giant lump in my throat. I lift the plate above the nice ironed dress and let the contents slowly slide of the plate and onto the dress. As soon as it lands on the dress I hear the door open and then multiple gasps and Grey screaming in anger.

MMMMMMM, I am getting braces an I am so fucking nervous.

Short chapter but at least I updated.


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