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SONG PREFERENCE: Losing You by Aquilo

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SONG PREFERENCE: Losing You by Aquilo

A soft breeze drifted through the square, blowing up a scatter of ashes into the sky and fluttering past Greyson's tear stained eyes. It reminded her of the short time she spent with Finnick outside the arena; of being happy for one moment of her life after she won her Games. She walked with a stutter in her step, trying not to step on anything that was dead or once part of District 4. But how could that be manageable when everything under her boots was formerly the old District 4 she loved?

Every body that she passed was a reminder of the lovely, earthly people that lived there. Their blackened skulls and burnt flesh was a reminder that there were casualties to the Hunger Games, even if they weren't picked to be a tribute or even eligible to be one. There will always be death, Greyson thought as she passed by where the bakery had stood. All that was left was the base of the threshold, a charred cement boarder.

She saw that they paid great detail to the destruction of the Justice Building, obliterating it until all that was left were cinderblocks of false hope and a broken district. There was an upset rumbling in Greyson's stomach as she ran into another pile of those who were caught at the greedy hands of death, their faces mauled and unrecognizable. She pressed the back of her hand to her trembling mouth, forcing herself not to throw up. After her time in the arena and the early weeks of Thirteen, she started to become aware of how light her stomach was. Anything to do with Snow would make her want to vomit, but she also noticed that Katniss felt the same way, so the concern weakened.

Except, seeing this, her district in ruins, was enough to trigger the reflex. Luckily, she held it down, so far.

"I can do this, I can do this," she muttered under her breath, rounding where the apothecary would've been and finding that the Victor's Village was untouched, the pristine houses lined side by side with not a speck of the devastation reaching it.

The ground underneath her feet changed from skulls and debris to cobblestones and scattered sand from the beach to the left of her, behind Mags and a few other victor's houses. Greyson sighed as she saw Finnick's house, a flashback of them trying to make dinner in his kitchen after they trained for the first time in his basement. Greyson gasped, holding a hand to her mouth. The basement.

Quickly, Greyson ran to Finnick's house, the weeks of laying in a hospital bed taking a toll on her muscles as she reached the door with a slight pant in her breath. It was cracked open, the door showing a sliver of inside the large and vacant home. A few leaves were in the entryway, but she paid no attention to them. She had her guard up, her senses awake waiting for something to disturb the quiet space. She reached the living room, the furniture still intact and nothing out of place.

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