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SONG SUGGESTION: In My Blood by Shawn Mendes

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SONG SUGGESTION: In My Blood by Shawn Mendes

The blast of the explosion threw Greyson from her feet and a few yards backwards. Her ears started ringing, Katniss' cry of her sister's name echoing in her head. Her palms scratched against the ground, blood immediately starting to pour from her hands. She heard something crack and a sharp pain went through her leg. Her vision went fuzzy and she almost passed out, but one name went through her mind: Finnick. The world swayed as she laid on her back gasping. Looking down where the pain was strongly in her leg, she knew the way it was bent wasn't right.

"Finnick," she croaked, rubbing at her eyes. She couldn't even hear herself. She smelled smoke and heat rush around her as she looked through the dark fog to find him. Small body parts rained down around her as a stray bomb went off, screams all around her chasing her to press her eyes closed. She felt herself going slowly insane, but she had to pull herself together. She had come too far to give up now.

Crawling on her knees, she saw Rebels rush past her to aid the wounded. "Finnick!" She shouted at the top of her lungs. She could still barely hear herself, all she knew was that her throat was as hoarse as it had ever been. She wanted to cry, to give in to the darkness that was pressuring to swallow her whole, yet she persisted on as she passed demolished body after body. After seeing two dead children in the span of a minute, she wanted to close her eyes and never open them again.


Snapping her head to the left, she saw a horrifying sight that would be engrained into her head forever. "F-Finn. . . ." She sobbed, her nails digging into the cobblestones. A shard of the concrete barricade had lodged itself into his torso and his blood soaked the stones around him. She felt her heart drop in her chest as she looked into his eyes. She grasped his hand. "You're gonna be okay," she promised.

Slowly, he shook his head, "I don't think you can save me this time, Grey," his words weighted as he forced them out.

Greyson furiously shook her head. She refused to lose him. She refused to let Snow win. Standing up, the pain in her leg causing her to scream out, she caught the next Rebel that ran past her, her grip on his uniform like a vice. Fire burned in her gaze as he stared at her in abrupt shock. She pulled down her hood and yanked down her scarf. "I am Greyson Hunter, the Mockingjay of District 13 and you will help him," she motioned down to a bleeding out Finnick.

Slowly, the Rebel nodded and relief flooded through Greyson. As she saw the soldier tending to him, the pain in her leg swelled to a point where when she looked down to see the bone poking out of her skin, the world faded to black.

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